Floyd mentioning to the public about the slave wages controversy was the smartest/dumbest thing hes ever said. Why because before that he was just known as Pretty Boy Floyd. He was really the star that he was today. There were more fans rooting for him then rooting against him. As soon as he made that comment that immediately created the bad boy image instantly made him a villain. People started to dislike him and wanted to see him lose. Though he was known as a great talent he was also known as a greedy spoiled athlete. From there his fan base grew he took on the name money and the rest is history. I'll Holla 5000
i think it was his behavior in the 24-7 leading up to the delahoya and hatton fights that made people hate him and that was when he was able to cross over as a mainstream draw
It's Funny, Because the "Slave Wages" Remark was Actually a MISQUOTE... REED Can't Recall what the Dollar Amount was, but Floyd's ACTUAL Quote was "...Compared to What Prince Hamed is Making, that's Slave Wages"...Nonetheless, just like Fans Ran Wild w/the Randy Moss' "...I Play when I Want to Play" MISQUOTE, So To was the Case w/Floyd Mayweather... The Rest is History... REED:hammert:
I think that mis quote is what started people to disliking him which ultimately started the whole money mayweather. Now I'm not saying this is the only thing but had he not been taken out of context do we really know if "Money Mayweather" would have been created. That mis quote turned him into a bad guy which he has taken on that roll playing the bad guy in all of his fights. Before that he was the good guy. And we all know everyone wants to see the bad guy lose. I'll Holla 5000
Floyd clearly is a superb role model and Bill Gates position need to be reviewed as Floyd has clearly shown the World how it is done.
No, Floyd could teach those Fortune Cookie 500 boys a thing or two. Floyd have Equity, Floyd have Stock, Floyd have Margins.
I think anybody asking Floyd for advice on anything other than A) Boxing and B) Hiring a good Limo Service is barking up the wrong tree
This thread was confusing the shit outta me until I read this. You've provided me a moment of clarity, kind sir.
Pretty much The unfortunate choice of rhetoric aside, he was being shortchanged compared to Naseem Hamed
I would say he was being shortchanged more compared to what his true value was. Not sure what Hamed was making back then, but he was way more popular than Floyd and no less successful in the ring.
http://www.nytimes.com/1999/10/15/s...reid-in-cold-after-hbo-contract-disputes.html http://www.thefreelibrary.com/BOXING:+MAYWEATHER'S+TOUGHEST+FOE+-+HIMSELF.-a083420077