I was thinking in my head & in my head I think that Styles makes fights is good. Its true because when someone beats someone who beat them its confusing like when Frazer beat Ali and Ali beat Foreman who beat Frazer Its because of styles make fights Foreman hits harder than Ali and that made him able to knock out Frazer But Foreman could not knock out Ali because Ali was different to Frazier with his style. and also, the jab is a good punch to do.
It helps to think of when its cofusing when someone beats someone who beats them. Like Norton is the same to.
You mean like Norton beat Quarry who also was beat twice by that guy Ali who did do the good punch jab often correct?
Also and Shavers beat Norton in one round KHTFO and Quarry did it to Shavers who had the hardest ever hitter style but Norton did it to Quarry because Nortons style was a bad chin style. Alis style was a jab /good chin style.
I would say medium chin style. It is more important to have technique good in punching with jab then you can beat other styles that have punching.
If you have a good chin it helps when you get punced. If you get punched by somebody who punches hard and you have a bad chin that might make you KHTFO that is what happened to Norton with Forman and Shavers. It didn't happen with Ali because of his chin. Also and Ali was very fast. That helped him not get hit. If you want to fight someone who is punches hard its better to have a good chin in your style if you want not to get KHTFO.
Pascal's Wager, are you trying to tell us Boskov Velkov is your alias? :: BTW, this thread is hilarious.
I think In my head this makes sense if you can do the jab all the time it can stop you getting KHTFO Ali did the jab all the time and never got KHTFO.
dsimon writes: Pascals deserves a pass on this thread.. a "this thread never happened" card because he is a great poster. Everybody is entitled to be retarded once in a while and this appears to be Pascal's "once in a while." :::: Yes the profundity of styles makes fights makes one marvel at times. I hate the fatalism of this statement and I think it is used as an excuse but that is just me. and I can be quite retarded myself at times. :kidcool:
Coming next week: "I think that a left hook is a good punch to use..." This is the kind of thread that makes me proud to post here...Bravo Pascal, Bravo! MTF ::
Left hooking is good punch because punching to the body or to the head is both good punching for left hand.
Agreed. Gerry Cooney punch a good left hook hit and knocked out Norton whose bad chin style did not help him with Cooney's left hook style got punched. Also left hook is good punch to do