Saw this over the weekend. Definitely my favorite film since Inception. It reminded me of movies from the 80s like Goonies and E.T. This is a movie you should see in the theater. Don't wait for it on disc. The sound effects and the train crash scene which was absolutely incredible must be seen and heard in a theater. It's a shame that a movie like Green Lantern takes in over 50 million in its opening weekend and this movie, which is no doubt much better, took in just 21 million.
What makes this movie incredible is the fact that the kids are the stars. Kyle Chandler (the sheriff's deputy), the same guy who is the baseball player in my Homefront sig.
Nice movie. Very strange, mind, but well-worked. Abrams needs some inspiration in terms of creature design. He seems to be treading old ground in that regard. Did like this one, though. Interesting throughout.
Really enjoyed this movie and can see where you're coming from Damien about it being kinda like a goonies movie.