Even though he was beaten brutally tonight, Zab should at least get credit for proving that his chin has been slept on. Its not as weak as we had thought for years. Its not great of course, but he should be taken off the weak jaw list. Zab's chin is average to decent, not weak.
I also think we should take Cotto off the weak chin list. That uppercut Zab landed would have ko'd 99% of any other welterweight.
Actually it brings to light how good Fraud Mayweather really is,..you can't say a fucking word about how Tszyu dealt with Judah..::
Mayweather has Corrales, Castillo, De La Hoya in his resume to fall back on.....also Judah, J. Chavez, H. Hernandez, Corley...
I don't know about the chin list....but Cotto should be remove from the Shitty stamina list...Tonight he fought 11 hard rounds, switching stance at will and throwing 40-50+ punches a round...
Zab showed alot of heart tonight. I'm just puzzled as to why he didn't work behind his right jab, and put together more combos. Everytime he landed cleanly he clearly shook Cotto IMO. Cotto is a good fighter. Better than I gave him credit for. He's still no Tito Trinidad but he's earned my respect. Still not sure he'd beat Margarito, Williams, or Mosley. He would get embarrassed by Mayweather. I wouldn't mind seeing Cotto against De La Hoya, though. Good fight.
At the end of the day, Floyd never got KO'd by a recovering crack head, or quit against a grappling ghost.
Early On,Zab HURT Cotto w/Virtually EVERY Shot he Landed...The PROBLEM is,Zab KNOW's his OWN Chin is CRAP,therefore he was LEERY of Opening Up on Cotto... Zab has GREAT Speed,GOOD Power & a SHITTY Chin...If he had even Decent Speed,Good Power & a DECENT CHIN,Zab would've Accomplished MORE than he did... REED
Maybe...but it will be entertaining, Cotto is a pressure fighter and doesn't stop punches just because he gets hit. And he proved in the Corley, Maligna, Judah that he can land on fast movers......now getting through Mayweather defense is a different story...:doh:
Oscar would beat Cotto, even now. That fight'll never happen though. You right though that Cotto is no Tito. I'm hardly a Tito fan, but Zab would have been lucky to see round 3 against the welterweight Tito.
Like I had always said....making 140 really affected his stamina (and to a lesser extent, his "chin"). Peace.
It's funny how Cotto continues to fight and beat faster, slicker, more mobile boxers by outlanding them and being able to BOX with them.... But he still doesn't get much credit for it. :dunno:
I've thought this time and time again, mainly since Corely. I honestly see him just boxing the ears off Margarito from post to post.
...Cotto shouldn't even think about going for the KO against Margarita, just win the decision, now if he has to fight Williams..then go for the KO, brutalize that skinny body....:cheer:
I think Cotto's a bit deceptive....he looks a bit plodding, not flashy, basic, methodical... But he is quite an intelligent pressure fighter, especially given the amount of offense he generates - and even more especially given how much he goes to the body with both hands. Judah said Cotto had no jab....what's the first thing Cotto did tonight? Stick a heavy, straight, quick jab in Zab's face. Zab was getting the left uppercut and the straight left in....so Cotto started to move away from that hand, jab and sidestep to Judah's right (forcing Judah to re-set), and turn southpaw. Yes, Cotto got hit clean with some big Zab lefts...but what boxer WON'T vs. Judah's speed and accuracy with that hand? I don't think Miguel got hit as clean with them as often as people are making out, though. He looks plodding....but no slick, mobile fighter has been able to get away from him; not even for rounds at a time. He's even been the more mobile boxer - fighting defensively or off the ropes - against more aggressive heavy-handed pressure guys. He's not the best technician on the planet; but he knows the book. Peace.
agreed, if a ko comes it comes. I wouldn't pick Cotto by ko over Margarito though, but I would take him by UD. Probably even a very lopsided UD.
Here's what I think about Cotto. It was written after the Quintana fight, but is equally relevant now, IMO: I just got done watching the full broadcast of Cotto v Quintana and I have to admit, I was VERY impressed with what I saw out of him. Often times you'll come across fans who will tell you that Cotto is nothing more than an brawler, with a bad chin who will be KOed by the first puncher he faces. Other times, it goes the opposite way; that he's a P4P fighter and would take down basically anyone in his path. I'd like to think that I've always called it down the line on Cotto, as I have no real feelings when it comes to him. I enjoy watching him fight, but by the same token, am not taken aback by what I see. Still, there is something about the guy that is quite special. Watching this fight, I wasn't reminded of the great Puerto Rican fighters of days gone by. I didn't see another smaller Felix Trinidad in there. Nor even an Edwin Rosario. Instead, as the contest wore on and we saw the boxer being slowly picked apart and busted up, before finally quitting in his corner....I started to see a thicker, slightly cruder Julio Cesar Chavez. Now, before you all think "Tam's lost it", let me at least explain where I'm coming from here. First of all, no, Cotto doesn't appear to have that Chavez beard, which was what allowed him to remain in so many fights long enough, to wear down his opponent. (In time, maybe this is what undoes Miguel. But let me get back on topic) But what Cotto does have (and in spades) is that tell tale Chavez offense. The short, accurate, crisp shots to the body and head. The kind that physically hurt you and take their toll as rounds pass by. The kind that when the fight is over, you look at his opponent and you cringe because they no longer look anything like the guy who stepped into the ring. Cotto defintely has those lead fists. Secondly, while Chavez had a superb beard, more than that, it was his ability to walk through fire and ignore pain, that allowed him to become an all-time great fighter. Plenty of fighters take a good shot. David Tua took about as good a shot as anybody ever did and he was an aggressive fighter like Chavez. Why wasn't he great? Because unlike Chavez, David Tua could not sustain an offense once he was hit hard. He wasn't prepared to put up with the pain and discomfort. Cotto might not be able to take the kind of shot Chavez did, but he has that same make-up mentally. He's a warrior and I truely believe he would stay in a fight and on the front foot, as long as his chin will keep him there. Something else Chavez did, was kind of intangible. The constant and monotonous pressure he applied through a fight, would take a severe toll on the opponents stamina and will. He didn't just beat people up phyically, he often beat them mentally first, allowing the physical damage to become all consuming. You simply could not discourage Chavez and he was on you, hitting you with those heavy fists, without giving you a breather. In that fight with Quintana, I saw Cotto doing the same thing. He forced Quintana to panic and begin throwing wildly, giving away his significant advantages in range and speed. The eventual outcome of this was Quintana's capitulation in the corner after round 5. "I can't go on. I'm dead". Well, physically Quintana could have went on, but he was right; Miguel had totally taken his spirit and he was a thouroughly beaten man. Miguel Cotto is becoming a special fighter. Maybe he won't be an all-time great like Chavez was and perhaps he runs into his Meldrick Taylor in Mayweather. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he cannot hang with the bigger welterweights out there. I'm not sure as of this moment. But right now, he's the closest thing we have to a JC Superstar in today's game and with his apparent filling out and comfort @ 147 pounds, I'm willing to back him against almost anyone.
I don't know anything about Chavez or Cotto but that was well said, and its part of the reason that HATTON-COTTO is the fight to make. Will Hatton yield to a more intelligent pressure fighter, or will Cotto fold in front of someone who can hurt him to the head and body. Its intriguing, and given that it guarantees more fireworks than anything Mayweather will bring, I deem HATTON vs COTTO the fight to be made.
from the mouth of orthodox crusader this is the fight to be made, im sure it will make all the papers by sunday morning
i was joking because the way u said it made it sound like because you said it , it carried some weight, like you were some kinda of authority