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I don't know anything about Tarver and Dawson's opponent, and I don't care to look them up in Boxrec. But looking at Size alone. Tarver will blow out that midget, and Dawson/Ruiz looks like it might be a good fight if Ruiz has some skills or power.
Muriqi is going to beat Tarver via UD. And Ruiz went to war with Paul Briggs in Australia. These are good fights. Cupey
All Tarver can do is punch, and among his many other deficincies, Muriqi simply can't take a punch. It might go some rounds, depending on how shot Tarver is, but will/should end as soon as Tarver finds his range. The Briggs fight was the closest Ruiz can claim to a credible performance. All of his wins are against roadkill. Even Chad himself and Gary Shaw seem embarrassed that this guy is challenging for his (alphabet) title.
I have to admit that I knew nothing about Dawson before the Adamek fight, but it seems he's gone off down the easy route fighting these bums in his first defence. How would he hold up against a more conventional boxer with a rock jaw, like Clinton Woods...who is as tall as Chad and has beaten better comp {Gonzalez, Johnson}??
Woods is one of these obscure guys that has always been in a lot of big fights. He beat Crawford Ashley years ago. Now, that may not mean shit to anyone but Ashley fought twice for the World Title against Michael Nunn and Virgil Hill, dropping a points decision to Hill and losing by TKO 6 to Nunn. Ashley was a big guy, 6'3" and was expected to smash up Woods, who was making a move up to 175. Woods withstood Ashleys big early bombs {and a broken nose} to wear him down for TKO8. Woods won all the marbles in that fight, outside of a World Title. Then of course Woods KO'd Ole Klemetsen and fought Jones, lost to Jones during Jones apogee, then he beat the likes of DeLisle, Hoye, Gonzalez and of course Johnson, and also lost/drew with Johnson. His jaw is rock and he can punch a bit too, great stamina and has developed a choice uppercut. He certainly won't be getting mauled like Adamek was, walking into shots all night long.
Dawson dosen't look that hot. The kid jumped in at him wild and missed by a mile, and Chad failed ot take advantage.
I've never heard of the guy. He must be a local Houston guy you've seen in the gym a few times. Dawson looked good inspite of the weak competition. His offense was impressive and he's getting better defensively though he's not quite there yet. Most importantly, when Dawson gets hit he wants to hit you back. he doesn't elect to run.
FOM: Chris Henry is a fighter that I've come on board as an advisor to, and he just whipped a heavyweight that had 58 pounds on him last Saturday night.
So my assumption was correct...you're hyping a no name guy for personal reasons. Secondly, for there t be such a huge weight disadvantage I'm assuming your guy is a heavyweight...last I checked, Dawson is a light heavyweight. Finally, your criticizing Dawson's offense clearly shows a bias. he was impressive tonight and did exactly what he was supposed to do against a guy of Ruiz's caliber.
That is the same kind of envious and jealous BS that people were saying when I worked with Juan Diaz before his fight with Acelino Freitas on two specific moves that Popo makes. Who was it that said..."You can't tell him or any pro anything and you are going to damage him??????" Hmmmm. Really damaged, huh? Chris is ranked 6th by the WBC and Chad is going to have to fight him sooner or later. Chris also beat the holy shit out of Tarver in his camp for Hopkins, just ask Tarver. Karl
Yeah, some Cuban reject called "pedro" Come on........:nono: Most good light-heavies can whip a poor heavyweight, and it was even after 7 rounds before Pedro gassed out.
I think you missed the point...the point was...Diaz would win the fight regardless of anything you had to say. I'm sure Ronnie Shields (a former pro fighter) and the rest of Diaz's team had a solid fight plan without your input.
I think you need to go to maxboxing or some other know nothing website as you are green with envy. Bye!!!!
This is a boxing message board, not a shrink's couch. Sounds like you have some personal issues, and this is not the forum on the www to vent them on, this is a boxing forum, but I guess your brain cannot comprehend that. Congrats Chad on your win.:bears:
Two things, Karl: 1) Don't claim anyone whipped someone else if you didn't actually see the fight yourself. I know you said your info came from someone who's always been a straight shooter. Perhaps he is in every other regard, but his opinion is obviously jaded when it comes to his own fighters. I've seen a tape of the fight - Henry didn't whip anything. Pedro just fell apart at the end (as he does in all of his fights). Henry outlasted him. That's the long and short of it. 2) There is absolutely nothing Henry has done (outside of the gym) to suggest he's even ready for a borderline Top 10 contender, never mind a major player like Chad. Your suggestion that Chad "eventually" has to fight him is ridiculous. Henry "eventually" has to fight a light heavyweight worth a damn. Brian Kennedy is on another board suggesting that Chad Dawson is ducking Berry Butler :laughing: ... but I mention Butler because he would actually be a perfect test for Henry - in fact, it's a perfect crossroads bout for both fighters. ShoBox should seriously look into that fight - the winner could then start to claim they deserve some shine among the top 10-12 at 175.
I give Dawson a good shot at beating Tarver. Tarver always was a guy who had trouble letting his hands go, but lately I think he might have come down with what I call full fledged...hmm, I can't think of anything. I'll make a post and let you guys decided. Anyway Tarver lately just can't let his hands go and from my experience this trend only tends to get worse the more a guy loses fights. So I expect Tarver to lose another decision based on him not punching. It's possible Tarver will pull out a win and save his passiveness for his next big name match, but I really think he's done. The only silver linning I see for him is going back to his original trainer. That is the only chance I see of him getting motivated here.