I'm looking for sponsors. I just signed up at a boxing gym and am preparing to be the future pound for pound champion of the world. A video of my training will be up later on tonight.
You stink. Honestly what is with that music? Is that suppose to pump you up? And why would you join a gym that cant even afford to pay their light bill?
Is that really you ??? No offense but you need a lot more trainning, you really need to work on your weight transfer, turn your feet and hips into the right hand, now, it seems your slipping as your throwing it.
they were playing that music at the gym . i didnt mind it and its just some gym thats close to me. im not picky yet
ya thats me i know i stink i was just fucking around plus i never really trained boxing so it will take time. that was my first day at a boxing gym..sponsors hang in there haha . and you're right about the putting weight into it thing...i might hire a trainer for a couple sessions to get some pointers
dsimon writes: :: :: Kaliber is a character. His left hook is passable, even if he only threw one... but damn he is slow!! and a few times when he hit the bag it bounced him back. But he looks young so maybe he has time to improve!! And that would mean hitting the bag after the gym closes in the dark.
dsimon writes: Its a start. You have two great attributes not to be overlooked: You are young and have balls to put a video up and ask for feedback, even if you are being tongue in cheek. Azel gave you a really good tip about turning over the hips. Can I give you a tip? Before you even get set up with a trainer, who will teach you some boxing, try hitting the bag really hard and forget about how you look doing it. I train on the heavy bag for a different purpose but transfering weight is universal and when you can transfer your body weight through your body and into the bag it is a big step. Now I would check with others on this, but what I try to do is make the bag jog... I don't want to push it, I want it to collapse around the hit. When this happens I know I have transferred my hit into the bag. When do you start the bandwagon.:bears:
No he isn't you donut, because he's a mod :: And he's your daddy, show some respect. Incidentally kaliber, you don't look THAT bad. I've seen worse noobs in boxing gyms. Hegman, P4P #1, who would KO Pacquiao looked worse when sparring Juan Diaz IMO. I'd make you and hegman even money.
Thank you, steve. Now that the childish, envious drama is over, post on brothers and sisters, post on................................
i know im slow but that was at the very end of my workout so maybe next time i'll tape my first workout first so i can look not as slow..but all in all i do feel i am way too slow. What would you say a good way to gain speed is? I tried speed bag and am slowly getting a hang of it....how about shadow boxing with 5lbs weights??????