Marciano had Frazier power but in Both hands. Marciano had a better chin. Stamina equal. How was Frazier flat out better?
That's fair. I could see the same. Walcott could possibly survive and beat Frazier though. If Bonavena could survive him.....
I don't think Joe would ever be in as much danger of losing as Rocky was. If (that) Wallcott survived I don't think he'd do enough to get the decision, Joe would be too high energy. Ditto for the Ezzard Rocky fought,,,,,,both really ran Rocky close, but I think Joe would be well on top of both by the 10th or so.
It's not out of the realm of possiblity but Frazier has more skill, stamina and heart than that lard ass. Marciano and Frazier are closer in those intangibles but Joe is bigger.
Tua has more power and chin...and in a collision of this nature...that's all that matters pretty much. But we digress....