I hate reality television but I find myself drawn to this program like a moth to a lamp I can't help it... it's a very entertaining program Anyone else wish to admit their shameful secret enjoyment of this show? Might be the only constructive reality contest show ever
I've only seen two episodes I think, but yeah I totally get it, it's proper addictive and I can't cook or bake for shit.
It'd be cool to butcher Mustard's whole family and then bake them into a three-layer raspberry sponge, white chocolate truffle cake topped with a pomegranate and ginger fondant and then force-feed it to Mustard until his insides burst and he bleeds to death
And then just kick the body ... over and over... your boot thudding against the corpse... over and over... guts, sinew, claret everywhere... then you shit on the face ... then more kicking ... feels good
Never saw this show and I hate cooking shows because like you I also hate/don’t cook. I also detest reality shows, but once when I was on vacation I got hooked on one of those tattoo reality shows that would do a season marathon on tv. This show you mention has peaked my interest, although I’m not going to go out of my way to watch it.
I ended up making this in the end as a bribe for my girlfriend's parents to like me. It worked. The cake was BANGING.