Stylistically,.. Chambers may have chosen the worst possible opponent for his style,.. I know that he'll pop out of his shell and tag Peter in the head on a few occasions,.. but with the way he keeps his hands up at all times, it will allow the squat bull to really sink them in to the body,.. Peter, unlike most other heavyweights, really does commit to the body,..he goes there very well, and hits hard,... I'll be suprised if Chambers wins this,.. through sampling alot of other messageboards though, most people seem to think it's a gimme for Chambers, that he'll beat the 'quitter' with ease... :dunno:
Well, Chambers DOESN'T Hit Hard Enough to Bring the "Quitter" Out of Peter...& Because he's an OVERWEIGHT Crusier, Chambers' Footwork is COMPROMISED...REED Agrees w/your Assessment, Kauki...If Chambers Absorbs HALF the Shots from Peter that he Did Against Povetkin, he's Going to B N a WORLD Of Hurt... REED Likes Peter by UD or a Fairly Late KO (7th-8th Round)... REED:mj:
At this point, I'm not sure Peter could throw half the shots Povetkin least not in one fight.
He Seemed to Throw a Fair Amount Against McCline, if REED Recalls Correctly...Against Vitali, Peter was CATCHING Toooooooo Much to Pitch.... But agREED that Peter DOESN'T have Povetkin's Workrate...Still, the Sheer FORCE of Peter's Blows will B GREATER than what Chambers Felt Against Povetkin...Chambers Better Rely on his FEET More than Merely BLOCKING Shots... REED:hammert:
McCline looked like he scored the first knockdown by accident (and probably surprised it came off that punch) and then basically went through the motions after letting him off the hook the next round. Peter wasn't very active against Maskaev, let alone Vitali, and Maskaev looked exactly as you'd expect a fighter with his age coming off injuries and a layoff to look. If Peter comes in at or above 250, he'll have problems. Chambers is pretty good defensively.
U THINK???... His Defense Looked Pretty POOR to REED, N the Povetkin Fight...Chambers has Slight TRACES of Chris Byrd in him, N Terms of Relying on REFLEXES & HEAD MOVEMENT, but Then he Gets to the Point that he Retreats N a Straight Line, Gloves High, CATCHING Shots on the Arms & Gloves... Similar to Ward & Dirrell IMITATING Roy Jones, Eddie Chambers Looks like a Guy IMITATING Chris Byrd...Only Problem is, Chambers ISN'T as Good as Byrd... Considering his Level of QUICKNESS & REFLEXES, REED would Expect Chambers to B ALOT LESS Hittable than he Currently Is...& REED Blames it on Chambers Being an Over Weight Crusier... REED:hammert:
I'm not saying he's great, but if we're comparing him to Oleg Maskaev, yeah, he's pretty good. The thing is, Povetkin can actually throw decent punhces and he's got a very high work-rate...Peter swings with little technique, and as his weight goes up, his activity goes down. I also think his confidence has plummeted since the McCline fight.
That's HIGHLY Possible...We'll See if Chambers has what it Takes to EXPLOIT Peter's SHAKEN Confidence... REED:mj:
I think Chambers is the clear favorite. Easy enough to imagine Peter winning, but Chambers has the defense and the volume punching to win a clear-cut decision.
Yeah but if he tries to pressure Peter, like he did Povetkin,.. with his gloves up like that,.. I dont think he'll be able to absorb the thorough force of Peter's body busts,.. it's probably the only real good attribute Peter possesses, he commits to the body well, and is deceptively quick in that area. I know it all seemed one way in the Vitali fight,.. but after a BLAZING start,.. Vitali did slow down for 7 rounds or so,..and I dont think it was all due to expending energy naturally, Peter dug a few in..and I believe it registered,..Chambers cant 'Winky Wright' Peter,..he'll have to move..
dsimon writes: I hear the arguments for Peter but are you people crazy? 265!!?? Peter was slow at 255 guys. Here is the problem in a nutshell: for him to do a decent job he needs to be under 250. The thing is that Peter won't hit Chambers! He won't touch him. Chambers should ask Esch to spar him to prepare and just learn to keep away. Peter will quit in this fight and probably not fight again unless he really does some soul searching.
He won what? Seemed to me that no one came out of that fight looking good, loser and winner leaves town. Peter is on his way to stepping stone, while Chambers is a lazy stinker.
Word has it Chambers had an injured Right hand. He won the fight with his jab, which is all he needed against an overweight Peter. No harm in that IMO.
dsimon writes: That was an easy one to call. Yet it makes me sad. Peter just became so pathetic. There is no reason for it! If he trained right he has some talent... what is he thinking? What is he doing?
Yup...Chambers could have come out looking good by throwing more punches...and being a bit more aggressive...HE LOOK like a LAZY there..
Chambers threw a lot of punches for a heavyweight, moved well and often, and fought at a fast pace for a big man, wouldn't exactly call that a lazy pace against a guy that he was giving 30 pounds away to.
dsimon writes: most of that poundage was not complimentary but I agree Stinger... Eddie did what he had to do and beat a guy who many thought would expose him... even a few guys here thought so much frankly. I didn;t know it was a ten rounder::. My god what next five rounders?