Was he any good? Fun to watch? Feel free to talk about the Rodriguez, Kamegai, Feliciano guys from around then as well.
one thing i always noticed about gomez was he did not turn his punches over. consequently, his power was shit. he was entertaining though. same goes for feliciano - was fun to watch on fnf but poorly schooled and not top 10.
rodriguez was also fun to watch. he was more naturally talented than gomez and feliciano, imo. another guy in this category was scott pemberton. all fun to watch.
But was he entertaining? I understand he was never crazy talented, but was he a decent, rugged fighter with some fun fights?
I watched the Gatti fight, and while it's obviously a little sad seeing Fatty in such a state, Gomez seemed to have decent head-movement and pressure. Obviously nothing crazy.
He was pretty forgettable for my money. I remember his beating of a shot Gatti being entertaining, but other than that I just remember him for getting absolutely destroyed by a prime Cotto.
I suppose I can see why Gomez would be so hated. He's one of them old pros who'd fight anyone, was decently skilled but nothing special, always in good condition and without much physical talent, had to develop a lot of ruggedness and versatility to overcome difficult situations.
He was never hated. We never really formed an opinion on him. He was just "a guy." Circa mid-to-late 00s, there weren't exactly a plethora of Gomez threads on here unless he was fighting a name. He was never much a factor in the sport.
He's certainly hated on ESB. I suppose ESB being nicce and weird has more to do with that though. He did beat a load of old fan favourites.
There's recent ESB threads on Gomez?????? Truth be told, I haven't been on ESB's general forum in a few months. I had forgotten about Alfonso Gomez until you started the thread. I JUST remembered he fought Canelo. My last memory of him was getting wrecked by Cotto in an HBO showcase that had Margarito-Cintron II as the undercard. The card was meant as the inevitable build-up to Cotto-Margarito 1.
Nah there isn't any recent threads, I just saw he wasn't likes while looking to see if he was in any entertaining fights. Some posters really didn't that he beat Fatty, Kamegai, Karrass, Feliciano or even an old Castillo. Idk, maybe he also come across as a knob on the Contender.
Probably a lot of dislike stems from him retiring Gatti. Won't lie, Cotto looked so good beating on him, that I made the mistake of picking Cotto over Marg in their first fight. That was the general feeling around here - that Cotto would pound Margarito.
I like watching Cotto. Very tidy and picturesque boxer-puncher/pressure fighter. Being fragile and offensively potent just made him even more fun. Shame he pummeled are Jennings so badly.
Cotto never got much love here. Well, he did, but from a select group. This forum was built by a Tito fanatic, and our roots go back to a forum where Trinidad was viewed as a God. So Cotto was always always gonna live in Tito's shadow here.
There was a thread about him in the past referring to him as one of the most skilled untalented fighter. Was started by hut if im not mistaken
REED Was Introduced to Alfonso Gomez Via 1 of the Boxing Reality Shows of the Day. “The Contender”, “Next Great Champ”, REED Can’t Recall… Anyways, Alfonso Did Well on the Show and Him/His Story was INSTANTLY Likable, But There was Never Any False Pretenses of How GOOD He’d Pan Out to Be… Sergio Mora Also Made His Name Off a Boxing Reality Show and Was Probably THE Best of the Group of Fighter’s to Go That Route… REED
No, he definitely didn't. As Reed says, he was really likeable. I think all the reasons you stated in your previous post were good reasons to like him. He came across as humble, serious and focussed - an honest pro fighter, not someone out for the fame. Yes, he wasn't immensely talented but he just worked hard and tried to make the most of his abilities. I'm glad he got a bit of shine from the series and got opportunities he otherwise wouldn't have.
I like what I've seen from him, he certainly made an honest living. He's a fun fighter to watch and he did face everybody. He's almost got a Holly Mims vibe about him, he's just nowhere near as good as Mims.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Gomez got his start from the De La Hoya the contender series. His whole career seemed manufactured to me. I never took him seriously after that. Guys like Ishe Smith and that Italian kid Manfredo??? were also on that same show. You're right though he was just meh....not significant enough to be hated as a boxer.