Part of me does feel bad. He obviously has battled demons his entire life. In fact, Tommy was more of a tortured soul than Tyson. Yet at the same time, he's the reason for his own early demise. Had he not completely lost his fuckin mind, stopped taking his meds, and decided that HIV didn't exist, he'd have prolonged his life. What's REALLY disturbing is, even now, when it's painfully obvious he's on his death bed with full blown AIDS, that his silly bitch is convinced it's something else.
To be honest I didn't know he was that sick. I just assumed it was under control but the above post makes sense. Not taking his meds was a dumb move. However watching someone fade away like that is a horrible experience. I would not wish that on anyone.
Lots of people do this. Steve McQueen sought alternative treatments for Cancer, as did Barry Sheen, as did Bob Marley. They all died from it. Tommy was a dumb hick boxer, so, there's no reason he would have been making any great medicinal leaps of his own. He was already aging like fuck...he had been a remarkably good looking, handsome sort, no-homo, but went downhill very fast.
I read this a week or so ago. I've always had a tough time blaming stupid people for their stupidity. They're stupid. They don't know any better. Hopefully the suffering ends soon.
Fightnews claims he suffer from Guillaine-Barré syndrom, not aids. Not sure if thier source is just Tommy's wife or anything though.
Tommy was a stud in his young day's, don't know how he could went looking like he did to this old looking man in pretty much 20 years :Chainsaw: I'm no aids expert, but from what I know, it doesn't makes you age faster (a side effect, called lipoatrophy, of the older treatment kind of did, but considering Tommy claims he hasn't taken his medication, I highly doubt it's that). Plus, his speech is now all fucked up, and not in the punch drunk style (à la James Toney), more kind of like a crack head with a lot of tics. Most probably, it's drug abbuse imo
Just read this from another site "died from respiratory and organ failure following a battle with Miller Fisher Syndrome."
You dont actually die from aids.. it weakens your immune system and allows a whole array of fucked up diseases and infections to take over, like this one. RIP
Yep, he's gone. D MAN called it. I knew someone who contracted it and the person started getting all these weird things like a giant cancer tumor in his arm. Horrible way to die.
The curse of Rocky V ? LOL wasn't that movie 25 years ago? It's like saying I went to the mall 25 ago and now 2 people that went that same day died!
REED Doesn't Recall it Being HOOKERS, Per Se... Morrison Admitted to Being CAREFREE During the Height of his Boxing Career, Having ALOT of Sexual Partners & Hardly Ever Using Condoms...If You KNOW You're Gonna Be Promiscuous, Gotta WRAP that Shit Up... REED:hump:
I've read the chances of catching AIDS through vaginal sex (as a man) are proper tiny. Like even if you fucked the same AIDS ridden woman 50 times unwraped the odds would still be in your favour. That kinda tiny.
Because of the head spinning amount of FANNY i go through, naturally. But ja. Read that shit somewhere. Chances of catching AIDS at the front door are extremely small.
This is partly true. It far easier for a woman to get HIV from a man than the opposite. This is mainly because HIV can't live long outside the body. So, your dick is only exposed to HIV while it is inside the woman, one way or another, and HIV can't get through dick, unless there is a cut, so the tip is the only dangerous part. Meanwhile, HIV can be in semen, which can be inside the woman for days (this naturally goes for gays too), and also there is much more surface in vagina which the HIV can get through. So if your woman has HIV, to stop having sex with her is sort of a pussy move. And yeah, I also read this shit somewhere
I wonder why bum sex is so much more dangerous? :scratcher: I mean a dick is still a dick, you don't expect much to travel up the japseye whether it's in a pussy or an ass.