i thought he was very tired at the end of the fight. but he had beautiful combinations. and how shot was larios?
for sure! he's smooth as silk. and i didn't think he was that tired at all. shot fighters don't go 12 rounds with Pacquiao.
Linares was pretty impressive. Shit the guy is 21 and has never been past 10 rounds. Took a look at his resume, larios is the first name guy he has fought. Considering all of that and the pressure Larios brought I thought it was an excellent performance, the guy can only get better. He showed some real nice skills tonight.
agREED... & PROPS to Larios...He took a HELLACIOUS Ass Whipping,yet NEVER Stopped Pressuring Linares til it was Over... Even N LOSING,U had to ADMIRE Larios' DETERMINATION... REED:clap:
I thought he backed up a bit too much but was overall impressed by him. The fight was a bit redundant up until the end when he wasn't running anymore and started timing when and where to place his shots. A beautiful breakdown of Larios and great stoppage by the ref as you could see Larios was physically done.
Idiot. There was nothing slow about Linares, he was pretty quick, with fast combos, good timing and movement.
Sly I question whether you've actually seen this and the hopkins fight. For starters, Linares was fast, not slow, most people seem to agree on this. And hopkins dominated winky over the first 6, yet you had winky up 4 - 6? :doh: :dunno:
I question whether you saw the Hopkins fight. Hopkins did not dominate the first 6 rounds. It was pretty even.
Hopkins dominated the last half of teh fight NOT the first half. And no, I wasn't impressed by what I saw of Linares...however I must say...I only saw the last three rounds of that particular fight. Perhaps they both slowed down significantly by that point. GOOD stoppage by the referee btw. Larios was OBVIOUSLY done but got up. Ref asked if he could continue, and he sai yes, but ref STILL stopped it. Good on him. Smoger or some other sadistic ref would have let Larios continue to get butchered.
Btw MWS...no need for that, especially in the general forum.:nono: One more gets a warning. :warning:
Linares looked good throughout the fight IMO, even in the last three rounds, I'm actually surprised you didn't like what you've seen. I'm also surprised you didn't think he was fast.
Like I said... I only saw the last three rounds (and never seen him before) so perhaps I was speaking prematurely. With that said...he WAS fucking slow, so suck it up!! :warning: ::
Linares is good but I think he will be overrated by his victory over Larios. I just got the full fight on Divx and Larios was way more aggressive this fight than he was against Pacquiao. I think if Larios would've fought this way against Pacquiao he goes out even quicker. I still don't understand why Larios was pressing so hard, did he think Linares was going to fold under the pressure? It's like he absolutely had NO respect for Linares' punching power. It was a combination of Larios being a bit old in the tooth and using a stupid strategy.
Don't be afraid, nobody's going to rate Linares over Pac because of this victory, Pac's legacy isn't threatened.::
:: But do you admit if Larios would've pressed Pacquiao like he did Linares, Larios would've been out just as quick? :dunno:
The point was over the FIRST 6 rounds, and I can see folks having it 3-3 after 6 (I personally had it 4-2 Hopkins). The overall fight - all 12 rounds considered - was a relatively clear decision as Hopkins upped the pressure and swept the last 4-5 rounds. Peace.
Agreed. I thought he backed up a bit too much and could have held his ground and stayed "in the wheelhouse" more as his short punches are better than Larios' and if he would have sat on his punches more, he likely would have hurt and finished Larios earlier. But overall, I thought he looked great - especially considering this is his first fight at the elite level; on PPV! Great jab, could punch and fight going backwards, paid attention to defense, integrated offense and defense well, good combinations, good reflexes....showed alot of good things for such a young fighter with only 23 fights. As you and I talked, Larios was forced to play the role of full come-forward aggressor (he's always been busy and aggressive, but usually likes to circle and fire with busy combinations from the outside)...but Linares made him come forward due to his style and being even taller and longer than Larios himself. I thought Larios looked very good and not shot at all - a bit on the decline, yes...but you have to expect that with like 65 fights and 31 years of age. Peace.
Larios had to fight that way, IMHO. Linares is taller (rare for Larios), longer reach, likes to box at distance and fight off the back foot (unlike Pacquiao) - and more importantly; punches MUCH straighter and quicker than Larios. If Larios would have tried to stay on the outside and move and box and fire busy combos like he normally does -- he would have been nailed repeatedly, likely outboxed and would have ended up having to make it a brawl anyway. Larios was facing a younger, fresher, taller, longer, defensive quicker fighter with good skills and straight punching. He HAD to pressure and make it a fight and hope to rattle the uproven fighter's composure and make him fold or make mistakes under pressure. On the other hand, Pacquiao is shorter, compact, LOVES to come forward, is a swarmer rather than a boxer, and concentrates fully on offense....which allows Larios to box and counter and fight something closer to his normal style (like vs. Vazquez). Two very different fights and approaches. Trying to compare how Larios would have fared had he "fought the same way" to me is a bit of an error. Peace.
First off Larios and Linares have the same listed height and very comparable reach. Secondly, An error in what? I wasn't recommending that Larios should've fought the fight that way against Pac, I was just making the point that it would've ended just as quickly if Larios employed that strategy against Pac for people who were trying to compare the fights and saying Linares stopped Larios when Pac couldn't. Stop DonnyBrooking it.
My God you are comically sensitive when it comes to Pinoys - and Pacquiao in particular. :: Must you always be so confrontational? The only one who compared the result Pacquiao and Linares had against Larios on this thread is YOU. Admit it - when Linares stopped Larios, your mind immediately went to the fact that Pacquiao couldn't do it in 12 at 130 lbs....hence you 'proactively' brought it up here. You brought it up - so I'm just reacting to that and stating my POV on trying to compare results like that. It's rarely apples-to-apples and I explained why....and IMHO, Larios was smart fighting both guys the way he did; he gave himself the best chance he could. Heck, Larios is a year older and maybe the move back to 126 faded him a bit....you can use that if you want. :: Relax...as Baron said, Manny is safe. ::
And btw, nice editing after having checked boxrec for height/reach. :: Check the fight...Linares is the bigger man and punches straighter, which accentuates his height/reach. Manny is safe...safe. He's the man.
Who is being confrontational? You said Linares had HEIGHT on Larios and you were simply wrong. I just pointed it out. How is it being confrontational when you get your facts wrong and I call you on it? That's just a simple case of someone being more researched than the other person. Besides my post wasn't just about Pacquiao, it's you being wrong about what I was comparing. I made a simple comment about Larios' dumb strategy. You said "it was the best strategy he could've used" to which I disagreed. Also I wasn't just referencing this thread, I was talking about the P thread as well where people were commenting that even Pac couldn't stop Larios. I'm not making excuses for anyone, Linares did a good job, but Larios had a stupid strategy. Stop DonnyBrooking it by trying to turn it into something it's not. You're a mod for crying out loud and you have some of the most shitty post on this website. I mean seriously comparing Pimental to Zarate and Zamora.
I actually saw the fight from a Divx file I got from another forum and I didn't remember Linares looking taller than Larios at all. I loaded up the Pacquiao - Larios fight and saw Larios listed at 5'8. Then I checked for Linares' height on the net and they are both listed the same height. You said Linares had height on Larios which he clearly did not. You should research your stats more before puking out numbers from the top of your head.