Weight training with boxing training

Discussion in 'Training & Conditioning' started by OCAZ, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. OCAZ

    OCAZ Leap-Amateur

    Dec 2, 2002
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    Leeds, UK
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    Well for a bit of background...

    For past 2-3 years since my local boxing gym where I trained closed I changed my focus on training and started doing weight training with a little bit of cardio.

    Made good progress in terms of putting on lean mass with most of the two stone i put on been muscle.

    Anyway kinda lost motivation doing weights and stuff, also had problems with my knees past couple of month so stopped me at times doing deadlifts and squats.

    So anyway my g/f has bought me a punch bag and focus pads for christmas (Been meaning to pick one up for ages). I am getting excited about training again which lately has seemed a chore to say the least which meant half arsed visits to the gym or not going at all.

    I am changing my focus in training too, as before it was to get bigger and stronger - I am now happy with my frame now as weigh about 185 lbs and am 5'9" tall and also happy with my general strength. Did intend to bulk up to 200lbs but was having to eat loads as I have a very fast metobolism to try put on weight so became like a second job. Also it felt like i was just moving towards been a power lifter too.

    So my focus now is fitness and leaning up at 175 and maintaining this. So my diet is all sorted ensuring I get atleast 200g protein each day and low in fat and all that crap.

    What I want ideas on is training whilst still doing weights but also doing bag work too. Other thing is time - I have daughter who is 3 months old so don't want to spend a lot of time training so plan is two visits to the gym/week for weights then a couple of sessions at home on the bag or focus pads if there is someone available to do this.

    What would you recommend mixing weights and boxing? I like doing full body sessions at the gym focusing on the simple main compound lifts. Also not interested in having amatuer fights or anything like that had my time at that, feel too old (25) to consider bothering again. This purely for my general fitness and getting me motivated for training again
  2. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    sup sup Potna?

    I'd say.. if you are going to train in boxing.. and weight training.. the main thing is not to bulk up, as you said you wanna me lighter and leaner and that is MOSTLY done by diet and cardio. I right now am a big fan of bodyweight exercise as I feel it makes you funtionally strong

  3. Hut*Hut

    Hut*Hut The Mackintosh of temazepam

    May 17, 2005
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    Involved in hyperbole

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