FIGHTBEAT'S Eddie Goldman at the scales. Alfonso Gomez 147-Miguel Cotto 146.5/ Antonio Margarito 146.5- Kermit Cintron 146.5
How much weight does he usually put on? HBO said he only put on 6 pounds for the Matthysse fight, which really surprised me. Cintron looked a lot bigger than 152. His frame is huge for a welterweight. He looked like 160. Similar to De La Hoya, he has those "animal like shoulders".
COTTO 146.5 LBS - GOMEZ 147 LBS By Matt Goldstein and Jim Barlieb Cintron 146.5 lbs - Margarito 146.5 lbs WBA Welterweight Champion Miguel Cotto weighed in at 146.5 lbs for his title defense against former Contender star Alfonso Gomez who weighed in at 147 lbs. For the undercard, IBF Welterweight Champion Kermit Cintron weighed in at 146.5 lbs while former WBO Welterweight Champion Margarito weighed in at 146.5 as well. A little bit of pre fight hype started when Kermit Cintron looked at Margarito and drew his hand across his own throat as a threat to his former conqueror. Margarito returned the favor by rubbing his eyes acting as if he was crying, a clear jab at Kermit for crying after their previous fight. :laughing:
Cintron is hollow. He has to be. He has the biggest shoulders I ever saw on a welterweight. Still, usually he has a neck. He looks real drained here, IMO.
Cintron is fucked. If he can't hurt Margarito he might as well throw himself to the ground and wait until the referee counts to 10. Otherwise Margarito is simply going to run his ass over.
Can't wait, and thanks for the pics! Henry Bruseles is fighting Ben Tackie right now. Henry has the prettiest style this side of Cotto and Calderon. I know he is Cotto's sparring partner and hasn't been able to shake that much like Jimmy Ellis was to Ali, but maybe he can win a title this year. I am a sucker for the classical Puerto Rican stylists, chin down, hands up, elbows in, and on balance.
:laughing: I can't wait for Kermit the frog to get his ass kicked by Tony again. War Margarito :bears:
Good work from Tone, he was provoked first. I think Cintron is scared but that's a good thing for him, he'll put on a very solid performance in my opinion, Margarito better not take him lightly, in the only fight that matters and is relevant on this pathetic card. Cotto - Gomez?..:doh: for fuck sakes,.. this reminds me of Cotto's entire resume pre-Mosely.
:: Cotto's resume > Margarito's resume... Cotto beats "Sugar" Shane Mosley Margarito losses to Paul "The Destroyer" :: Williams...9-3...8-4 ::
It was more in the neighborhood of 7-5. A loss is a loss, but let's not add rounds Williams didn't win.
it aint gonna be a picnic for cotto if/when he faces margarito. you better believe he'll be trying to box in that match and I doubt he'll be in search/destroy mode.
There was some ringside press that had it a draw or a narrow win for Margarito. All I'm saying is it wasn't a wide marin for victory. Margarito started to late in the fight, but he put some hurt on Williams before The Punisher pulled it out in the final round.