Personally I think the kids has skillz. However he is tryin way too hard to be Money Mayweather 10x. Say what you want but Floyd Mayweathet has earned everything. Broners case he aint earned his stripes yet. What are the predictions of his career. I'll Holla 5000
He's growing on me. I thought he lost to Ponce De Leon... but fight by fight I think a little more of him.
I think he's good. Hard to judge him as he's so much bigger than the guys he's fighting, plus I haven't seen the Ponce fight yet.
:: :: I agree on Broner. He's a leap amateur Floyd wannabe. Everything about him, every fucking thing, his stance, his footwork, his left hook, his defense, is modelled on Floyd but at heart he's a leap amateur. He's perhaps better than the Ponce fight indicated, but I predict he is not an elite fighter.
Yep, just a decent meat and potatoes fighter. Not great in any particular area, but not bad either. Good left hook, bit sloppy overall, could tighten things up a bit.
Whereas Floyd can actually stand in punching range with a guy, shoulder roll or pull on to the back foot and counter, Broner just imitates it cheaply when he's 7 feet out then his actual defensive method is basically the same as robobox Khan. Run out of range, if if that fails, clinch. What a fraud.
I think the kid has talent. What I don't know is whether he can take a shot or not. he's certainly flashy and gives off the appearance he can fight. I think Escobedo will make him fight a little bit...especially in the later rounds. I didn't think he "lost" the De leon fight like so many have indicated. It's not like De Leon dominated him. Broner simply didn't move his hands as much as he should have. Pretty much everytime he wanted to touch De Leon he did...he just didn't do it as often as he should have. De Leon threw more punches but that was about it...he didn't land half of the shit he was throwing. With all that said...the jury is out until he gets clipped on the chin and is in tough. I'm not sure Escobedo can do that but he can certainly give him "problems." I might be wrong but I think Escobedo will have a slight height and reach advantage. Tall, rangy guys can be a nightmare for guys with that style. Should be a good scrap on Saturday.
The problem with you and McDoggs attitude to the current era of boxing is that you both will quickly dismiss literally anyone who comes up as a leap amateur who would get obliterated in any era. I'm not saying Broner is all that or that this era isn't awful but he doesn't strike me as your typical affleet fighter. At least give the guy a chance to test himself a bit.
Broner exists somewhere between Mayweather and Khan in terms of his overall style and how he applies his style. Any fighter, any fighter, who has an ostensibly intangible physical advantage in terms of speed, power, strength or stamina must always be forced to first rely on, and then be let down by, that physical advantage, in order to make a better fighter of them. In otherwords, to prevent them becoming leap amateurs, they need to be disappointed, when they least expect it, by their leaping. Every great fighter has gone on to become great after their preferred talents failed to get them the results they desired. An exception would be Ali, perhaps Ray Robinson, but Joe Louis and Foreman loved their power and were let down by it, and forced to adapt and become better fighters. If a fighter is allowed to out-grow a critical developmental stage without having been forced to confront this, then he risks becoming too old a dog to learn new tricks and we get what we got with guys like Khan, who simply will never learn how to tighten up his defense and come up with some new ways of doing things. He's basically been indulged and re-indulged over and over and over, in the Limond, Prescott, Maidana and Petersen fights, he's always been rehabilitated and allowed to go back to the same old methods and mores, and it means he is going to get his arse burst over and over and over. If Broner wants to be the real deal, then he needs to stop relying, or be forced to stop relying, on having more chess-pieces than the other guy and needs to start playing on an even board, or eventually, maybe later than sooner, he is going to leap and find his leap isn't cutting it, and that's the day he get's trash-khanned.
Yeah you're spot on about that, or like Toney too in close range, who has the skill and composure to slip and counter up close. What good is a fucking shoulder roll 7 feet away from your opponent? :laugh11: It is just a charade basically, to look like Floyd at face value. He's like a Chinese knock off version of Floyd.
See, while there may be an element of truth in that i'd argue those changes were more adjustments than additions......fighters don't learn entire new skillsets mid-career, they just learn to rely on one aspect of their game less and another more. Guys like Khan, Broner etc just don't know how exist comfortably in range & they arent gonna learn in their mid 20s.
I can live with no fighter every being comfortable in range, its natural to be uncomfortable.....Ali used to hold behind the head when the other guy was in range. However, we do of course demand SOME degree of comfort at range.
I'm not getting what you guys are saying about Broner not being comfortable in range. He's mostly fought guys shorter than him...why wouldn't you stay at a range where you can tag him but he can't tag you? That's foolish talk. Also, Litzau (I'm pretty sure) was taller than he is and he had no trouble knocking him out fairly quickly. "Like I said before" Escobedo should be able to test him a bit due to his range.
And he did nothing against the taller man except stand 6 feet away and use his superior speed to jump in with (mostly) single shots. I wouldnt necessarily say he should do anything else if he can get away with it, just that it bodes ill for him against guys too good for that to work against, unless he can do more.
:: I get a kick out of it when you call me that, Slice I try to picture what it would look like in Irish
broner is clearly talented. i dont think escobedo is the guy to test him. escobedo has proven to be pretty mediocre and overhyped coming out of the olympics. he does have a big of a punch so perhaps he can test broners chin. skill wise i dont see him giving broner problems.