If he's not getting his Immediate re, who does he face next? Does he stay at 160, or move up to super middle? Knowing Taylor, he'll probably fight Mayorga after Mayo beats Vargas, or invite Bumlomir to come up to 160.::
yea, if mayorga beats vargas, that's a perfect tuneup opponent for taylor. i wouldnt mind seeing taylor-duddy.
Seeing that he made his career beating up junior middleweights, I wouldn't be surprised to see him take on a welterweight in his return bout.
Jermain Needs to Sit Back for the Next Couple Weeks & Just REFLECT... He's ALREADY Made Good Money & Could Ride Off into the Sunset, Who Knows???:dunno: ...REED Wouldn't Blame the Guy, Either...His STATE has TURNED on him, Most Boxing Fans were DOWN on him Anyways & that All HAS to STING... What's SAD is that Taylor is a NICE Cat...VERY Easy to Like...He Doesn't Really DESERVE to Get Shitted on... The Question is, Is Taylor a "FIGHTER" @ the Core & Does he WANT to B Considered Truely "GREAT"... If he WANTS to B Considered Great, he Comes Back, Wins a Confidence Builder & Fights Pavlik Again Sometime LATE '08...He's Gotta @ Least TRY... Cause 1 Way or the Other, Taylor WILL B DEFINED by Kelly Pavlik... Pavlik Represents THE ONLY Hard Punching TRUE Middleweight Jermain has EVER Fought...N MANY ways, Pavlik Reinforced the Suspicions that Most of Us had about Taylor... REED
He should try to fight a Contender...Sergio Mora, or perhaps someone worse. Duddy would be great, but I'm sure HBO wants to feed him to Pavlik.
I wonder how Mora views this result. Maybe it was the prospect of having to face Pavlik if he'd have beaten Taylor that caused him to drop out.
Yes, good post. I guess we shall now see if Taylor was simply in it for the money, or if he is a true fighter.
I wouldn't be surprised if he and Edison Miranda both move up to 168 and have a crossroads comeback fight there.
I wouldn't put a guy coming off his first knockout against a puncher like Miranda. Maybe Joey Gilbert.
Mora claimed that he just wanted a fair shake. He was offered the fight last year, then it was taken away and instead offered to Ouma. He was promised next, but they then kept changing the date, and the location, to where he declined. I don't agree with his belief that he has 50% say in when and where the middleweight championship takes place (at least not as a challenger), but do respect that he didn't pass due to monetary issues. That said, his decision would've looked that much more foolish after Ouma beat him, had the Sept. 15 card not fallen apart. Taylor-Mora wouldn't be a bad comeback fight. I was even thinking Taylor-Manfredo, incase Jermain wanted to see how his body would react to fighting above 160.
Well, I am hearing through a great source that Jermain is leaving Manny without a doubt, seen that coming although I am also hearing that Pat Burns may be back in. I think a PERFECT comeback fight for Taylor would be Ike Quartey, decent fighter that once was very good and does just enough to lose nowdays, still has a decent jab that may give confidence to Taylor about his own and Ike will be a helluva better opponent than Pavlik's in Duddy.
Why would it be a garbage fight? Wont be the best fight for fans but for Taylor it is perfect and imo not a garbage fight Quartey is still a good fighter, good jab and could keep Taylor sharp and get him back in the mix mentally, how can you call this a garbage fight after hearing that Pavlik will fight Duddy? :doh: I havent heard anything about Ike fighting @ 147 again either but you never know.
The thing with Taylor, if he's going to remain on HBO, you can't give him a blatant set-up fight without hearing a very loud backlash against it. Even in getting knocked out the way he did, Jermain still has to come back agaisnt someone respectable, not go all the way back to the B.A.D. days. He's basically a man without a country these days. The Dirty South grew fed up with his fights and his handler's matchmaking (ticket sales regressing with each fight), and if reports were correct, then nobody in A.C. gave a flying fuck about him either. He needs to re-establish a fan base. Returnng to a diet of undersized retreads isn't going to cut it.
Taylor will fight Sergio Mora if he fights at 160 again or Manfredo if he mves up to 168. Why? I don't know but it just seems likely to me.
it's a garbage fight because quartey sucks at 160 and is on a losing streak. i'd rather see taylor man up and show that he can convincingly beat a decent middleweight for once. i heard arum is pushing pavlik to fight duddy next, but i think i'd rather see taylor-duddy at the garden. that's a perfect comeback opponent and another lucrative fight for taylor.
dsimon writes: I don't see much for Taylor. There just does not seem IMO a "right fight" for him. The problem is that every shitty decision he got, every benefitt of the doubt is biting him on the ass. Also, as Rubio has asked: how good is Pavlik? I mean if the kid turns out to be a great puncher, and not just the first puncher Taylor fought, then maybe Taylor is good enough to beat up Mayorga. But even against Mayorga Taylor could get into a war and get dropped. Taylor just is not a devestating puncher and Mayorga can be if he gets his confidance up. Quartey? might be a little too cute for Taylor. Ike can outbox Taylor. I don't think the Pavlik fight in itself would have been damaging but it confirms a lot of doubters and hence may have been damaging to Jermaine. Any guy with a jab, or a punch has a blueprint now. If I were Taylor frankly I would take the rematch. I would go from the perspective, i.e. convince myself, that the first fight was exciting and could have gone either way (though I have my doubts), get a trainer who would work the basics and teach evasive footwork, defense and energy conservation and take my chances in another war.
I think it's a terrible fight. It does nothing except give Taylor a win. I'm not even sure he gets a confidence booster out of it. He has nothing to gain from the fight, especially if he doesn't knock out Quartey (and I don't think he would). Ike did claim a few months ago that he wanted to move down to 147 (it was probably right after Oscar claimed he was doing the same). The fact that a grand total of ZERO possible fights were pondered upon such news, I thought spoke volumes. His fight w/ Forrest wasn't bad, but like Vernon, he just has that "who gives a fuck" factor working against him. Terrible, terrible fight. Please don't suggest it ever again. :nono:
dsimon writes: Great post.:bears: The bold print is the proverbial bottom line. Accordingly Taylor's best bet is to fight Pavlik again with some time ane energy spent on getting better with a different trainer. Taylor is young enough and has always been physically strong as an ox. He needs to get this war on while he is still able. What happens in this fight is the only thing that should determine whom he should fight next, or if he should fight again.
Mora would ALWAYS Make Taylor Look BAD, Stylistically...Even if Taylor WINS... Jermain would B Better Off Facing More AGGRESSIVE Guys, even if he Gets KO'ed HIMSELF N the Process... Guys like Miranda, Pavlik II, Lacy, Kessler, Calgaghe,etc... REED
laugh all you want, but a fight against Fettucine Manfredo would be far more telling than a fight w/ Quartey - and more than likely a hell of a lot more exciting.