Literally no weaknesses to speak of. Average power but excelled in every other facet. Who beats a prime Pea?
The Jose Luis Castillo that beat Mayweather probably beats pea. The thing about Pea he was too slick to catch him with any head shots. You need a guy that has a good body attack that is able to slow him down. Also rugged/dirty fighter to make it an ugly fight. A guy that will be right in front of Pea. With shots on the arms, hipshots, nut shots, rabbit punches, headbutts, just smother the fuck out of him. Dont allow pea to get all cute. Not to say that Castillo is on the same level in terms of talent as Pea but its not always the best fighter that wins a fight. Styles make fights.
Castillo beat Whitaker?LMFFFFFFFAOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Doub has found his Whitaker hating twin. Pete woulda beat the dog shit outta Castillo.
Well it's just my opinion. But I give all credit where credit is due. Whittiker was a damned good fighter. He lost a few fights but still won most of his fights. To be fair I think an argument could be made he deserved a w vs Chavez. Whittiker kind of got screwed on that one. At 135 he was one of the best... top 10 of all time easily. But at Welter weight he wasn't good enough to beat De La Hoya eventhough he was awarded a knock down that didnt really happen. Pea was outscored by Oscar in the power punches department. (According to the punch stats) and that cost him the fight. Where as Floyd was able to clearly and decisively beat Oscar. So I would rate Pea above all modern era fighters except for Mayweather, Pacquio and Trinidad. And H2H an argument could be made Crawford, Spence, Mosley and Ennis boots would all over power Pea @ 147. Pea's sweet spot was definitely 135 to 140. His achievements above 140 are negligible.
The 1997 Oscar was LEAPS and BOUNDS better than the 2007 Oscar, and unlike Floyd, who was at his physical peak when he fought Oscar, Pea was a good 3-4 years past his prime. Bad comparison. Castillo is far too ordinary to have a prayer against Whitaker. If the much better version of Castillo can't crack the Whitaker code, why would the inferior version have a chance?
Not 135-140 but in the area- stylistically I’d give Spence Jr a good shot vs Pernell. He wouldn’t have a problem matching or beating Whitaker’s workrate which many opponents struggled with.
I think 93-94 Whitaker would outclass Spence big time. Look, I like Spence, but he's not special in a historical sense.
Not that i disagree with this but as a bit of devils advocacy I think the weight disadvantages floyd faced in both those fights were much bigger
I think Whitaker outclasses Castillo. He was better than Floyd. Whitaker is a bad style match up for Spence IMO. Errol matches up better with Quartey and De La Hoya. Trinidad is horrible for him.
DLH was not shot when he fought Floyd. This is the same De La Hoya that had just knocked out Mayorga in his last fight. Was he at his prime when he faced Floyd? No... but definitely not 3 to 4 years removed from his prime.
Both at there very best I take Duran by decision…..they could fight 10 times and it would go split 5-5…or 6-4 neither one would dominate the other. & just pure aggression, energy, stamina, chin I would’ve love to see how Whitaker would deal with Aaron Pryor….
Like the Card Game “Spades”, Roberto Duran, Aaron Pryor and Lightweight Sugar Shane are the Strongest “Possibles” in REED’s Opinion… REEE
‘35 was Floyd’s WORST Weight, for Whatever Reason… Other Than N’Dou, Floyd Wasn’t Terribly Impressive in ANY of His Bouts @ ‘35… REED
Whitaker was just better than Floyd. He didn't have the longevity Floyd had, but he had a higher peak. He EARNED P4P #1 when he schooled Chavez. Floyd didn't earn P4P king. He just won it by default when Roy and Hop got old.
Agreed that Whitaker was simply a better fighter than Floyd. He wasn’t leaps and bounds better but it was clear enough.
This is really where you need Slystaff to appear and start heroically arguing with the entire forum for 10 pages