Its a pretty good question. After he beats Harris, he will look to fight Mbaye. Witter has the potential to unify the belts.
And? M´Baye won´t have a belt in 90 days, but Kotelnik might give Witter the opportunity to avenge his loss. :crafty:
I would like to see him try to unify. hatton will never fight him, that's for sure. If he beats harris, he should aim for malignaggi.
I expect more out of you. Look at the circumstance behind that loss, look at his performance since, look at the competition in the 140 lb division, look at Witter's skills. Now answer your own question.
What "Circumstances" ???:dunno: That Witter RAN like a BITCH from Zab??...& WHO has Witter FOUGHT on Zab's Level,Since???... REED:dunno:
Witter took the fight with no preparation. If you haven't seen him fight since, and it seems likely, you're not doing yourself justice in this thread.
Ah,OK... So YOU'RE Better Off Guaging Witter Against INFERIOR Opponents than the 1 Guy REED Saw him Fight??? ... Whatever... REED
U're FATTER AND U Wear GLASSES... U're a PUDGY,4-Eye'd,Nerdy,Receding Hairline Having Piece of Shit... REED
What? You have me and Leeder confused again. Fucks sake.........consult a globe man. As it happens, I fork out a fucking fortune on haircuts.....shit just keeps growing up top./:doh: And you're bald.
Yeah,REED SHAVES his Head...Big Deal???:dunno: YOU,on the Other Hand, STILL Cling to the SPOTTY BITS of Hair that Cling to Every 23rd Follicle on your Head... REED's Seen U AND Leeder....Ya'll Look NATHAN Alike & there's NO Way REED could Confuse U 2.... Like REED Said,YOU'RE a FAT,FOUR-EYE'd,RECEDING Hairline Having,NERDY,RACIST,COWARDLY Piece of Shit... N THAT Order... REED::
Nah.........You've never seen me. Promise ya!! Fat:No. Nerdy: No. Racist:No. You are. Hairline: Like i said, a fortune on cuts. Wrong guy...then again, we all look the same, so...:nono: :nono:
Who would want to fight a guy with that shit style? If I were Floyd, I'd demand two referees. ________ LOVE FORUM