What say ye? And if yes… what about a ‘prime’ Wlad? In his prime Wlad typically lost by KO after tiring or after getting hit hard and losing his cool and panicking. Would Usyk have been able to simply pick him apart? It’s unlikely he’d KO him, but he proved vs Joshua that he has a unique ability to work around a much larger opponents reach. It’s tough to figure out Usyk’s place at heavyweight…
I don't think he would beat either version. Though, for what its worth, usyk supposedly.whooped wlad in sparring. And yes, i agree with you, i really don't know what to make of usyk at hw
I think Wlad beats Usyk. Not by much. He'd just get so many more shots off and he had done better against southpaws his whole career. Byrd, Chagaev, Ibragimov, Thompson etc.Sanders is a totally different fighter than Usyk and he also fought a totally different version of Wlad. The thing about Usyk is you have to keep touching him back, and Joshua was never the touchy sort of fighter. He can't move his hands at half-power. He's either pawing or he's going all out {and missing a lot} Wlad wouldn't be falling - especially the old version- for all those little tricks that Usyk was pulling on Joshua. And even the old version wouldn't go to shit like Joshua did if he got hit by those lefts. I think that keeps Wlad in the fight and allows him to take advantage of the facial damage/tiredness that Usyk inevitably showed vs Joshua.
UH! .... reeshenshee bias dat^ ...member the same excitable ochlocratic lore diffused into Wold after the skimmings of Mercer's firm stoker?,..was he ever disrobed again?. neinzaaaa. Joshua may have flourished a little with what 21st century england looks like, all the colors and the spicy variables - but as we discussed, if he's to win for queen and country, the skull of pop eyed hitler must be print free.
For reals? ...I got lucky,.. Didn't have the same luck with my word 'sugged' but it felt alright off the bat. Do my best to summarize the last post in common. Recency bias! - Parochial American media led by Steve Kim enthusiastically opined that Wlad's a stuck pig whenever he next gets in the ring because Ray Mercer's jabs cut him up - but it never really happened over the course of his long career - therefore consider this facial damage to be an exception for Usyk as well. Joshua may have indeed marked up Usyk's face, but as we agreed, if he is to be successful in the rematch, he's better off concentrating on Usyk's zhitnitsa. and thank you for the introduction to the word zhitnitsa.
Understood and agreed. To be honest, I had forgotten about Kim Badly Hung and Dougie Fissure. They are yesterdays men.
One of the very first online boxing clips I ever saw featured the commentary of Max Kellerman. It was ESPN, Friday Night Fights, Klitschko vs Phil Jackson. I learned a lot that night. One thing I learns was not to speak fast when you are trying to spin a narrative. Talk last and least, make it sound toooootally obvious rather than something you are trying to ram down.
Wlad was a coward so if Usyk was able to get him into a proper fight and start winning rounds and catching him cleanly, Wlad wouldn't have the heart to win. Usyk is skilled enough to bring that cowardice out. I think he takes any version of Wlad. He would also probably have the mental edge since he beat him up in sparring.
That's a good point. Wlad had the size, skills and talent to beat Usyk, but as you said, it wouldn't be too surprising to see him freeze if he eats a few shots. Didn't take much for that big coward to fall apart like a house of cards