Caught this on Amazon last night. Very good. Simple, grimy, pulpy genre exercise. Joaquin (or Joachim, as Sly affectionately calls him) Phoenix was excellent as usual as the suicidal, PTSD riddled, hammer wielding, vengeance dealer for hire. 8/10
Hut Hut did this thread like 3 months sgo bruv. I want to watch this as well as Mandy with Nic Cage. Maybe this weekend.
Arghh, found it going thread by thread. Anthony, emerge from hiding and please merge if that's still possible on this platform.
It's not groundbreaking or anything, but I thought was very well done for what it was. I see it compared to "Drive" a lot, but the main character in this is a lot more real, and emotional and broken, and frankly interesting. The dude actually reminded me of a guy I know through boxing, who could actually BE this dude if you use your imagination a bit, so maybe I related to it a bit more. "Drive" was the first comparison that instinctively came to my head also, but if you want to compare it to anything in the Nicolas Winding Refn catalog, this movie is probably closer in tone and performance by the lead to "Valhalla", even though the setting of both movies is wildly different.
What was your interpretation of it? I’ve read quite a few diferent theories, differing on how much of it took place, what was just his imagination and fantasy...PTSD from childhood abuse and seeing things in war