On classic right now. Insane skills. Nice head movement, slips punches Pivot off the ropes with left hook. Double left hooks. Everything in combination. Short tight punches. What a fighter he once was. The reason I started watching boxing. ________ Wendie 99
People say he scared people with his record and aura. 5 fucking minutes of watching this footage in preparation to scout him and id be shitting bricks. Guy's got legitimately scary ability.
God knows there will be Ali vs. Jurgen Blin or some other God-awful Ali fight on ESPN Classic by next week.
It was for anyone watching the ESPN Classic show, you sorry fuck. Maybe you should start a thread titled, :HI Im ANdrew and I like sticking my finger up my ass as I jerk off...." ________ MARYJANE
I am saying a 20 yr. old Mike Tyson trained by Kevin Rooney WALKS RIGHT THROUGH both Klitkos on the same night. ________ SUZUKI TSX
You ever seen Tyson and Vitali standing next to eachother? The size differential is actually so ridiculous, it's funny.:: I think Tyson's head comes up to Vitali's chest. Tyson was pretty ordinary against tall guys. Think Rooney would have to devise a specific plan for his boy to try and get under Vitali's reach AND try to fight out of Vitali's clinch.
What with this "Tyson couldn't fight taller guys" nonsense? Last i checked ALL of Tyson's opponents were taller than him! :kick:
I don't see him getting under Wlad's jab and I don't see him getting close enough to Vitali to work the body. He's far too small and light. 220lbs at 5'9 or whatever against superheavyweights who outweigh him by 30lbs and have about 7-8" over him in height is a pretty big deal. Everytime he gets close, he'd get clinched and trying to support himself against guys 6'7 and 250lbs who are leaning down on him. Sometimes size just matters in boxing. Furthermore, these are GOOD big men. Not bums. A good big man beats a good little man. Wlad has the perfect style at his immense size to keep little Tyson honest. Tyson's not getting inside on this guy. He's a tiny man in comparison. Giving up about 11" in reach is another major obstacle Tyson would have to deal with, especially against a power jab from Wlad.
Stylewise, Vitali's size would matter the most against Tyson, because Vitali had a great chin and a rather awkward style. But Wladimir...although better skilled than his brother and more dangerous...has a mediocre chin and you have to think that Tyson will catch it at some point in the early going of the fight.
So really you're saying that Tyson would need a lucky punch to beat Wlad. Chances are, he's not going to land it. He'd have to literally jump off his feet to touch Wlad's chin. Very similar to how David Tua had to fly off his feet to try and catch Lewis' chin but to no avail.:dunno: It's not easy to touch Wlad's chin if you're under 6 feet tall. And Wlad is a much better fighter now than he's ever been. Tyson would need to try and duck down, bob and weave and come forward and smash the body but as before, Wlad would clinch him and the ref would seperate them and Tyson would have to do it all over again.:dunno: This would be a very frustrating matchup, size wise and style wise for the much smaller Tyson.
Lol, Wlad got floored 3 times by Peter, koed by both Brewster and Purity and in these 3 fights, he hardly got hit at all. With his weak chin, and more importantly, lack of mental toughness, he gets anhilated by Tyson
Funny that you fail to mention just how much sick leather these bastards had to eat before Wlad blew his gas tank.:: If Tyson has to eat that much leather before Wlad tanks, I'd keep him away from Wlad if I was his promoter. More importantly, Tyson is a little man and would need all his speed to try and get in on a guy much bigger and stronger than himself. And Wlad is a much better fighter now than he was in those fights.
Dont forget that Tyson had one of the greatest chins in the history of boxing. ________ blonde girl Webcam
Mike was an absolute beast as far as overall skill. If I may nit-pick for a sec, though. As great as his power and skill was, I still can't think of another high end fighter, in which, whoms balance was as bad as Mike's! I mean Mike Tyson had some very bad balance. Luckily there were not a lot of fighters who were willing to attack and take advantage of it in his early days. The fact that he'd throw a right hand so hard, that he ended up fighting southpaw was a prime example.
Tyson's balance was bad if he missed a punch, but if he set his feet he was a murderous puncher. Tyson's also a natural lefty so ending up in a southpaw stance didn't diminish his power which is one of the things which made him special. The fact that his right hand was as effective as his lefthook made his two handed punching ability unreal. "However" With all that said, the most important quality Tyson had was his handspeed. Once he lost that, his KO ratio dropped and he didn't hurt guys like he used to. Part of what scared guys was getting hit with heavy hands and NOT seeing it coming. When Mike's hands slowed down, guys were able to deal with his heavy hands because they could see the shots coming. Mike had great reflexeswhich allowed him to counter shots heavyweights weren't used to getting countered from.
dsimon writes: A prime Tyson eats both Klitschkos for lunch the same day. Come on Hanzy!! Like Muze said, when Tyson slowed down he couldn't fight the big guys anymore, he needed his handspeed. A lot like Dempsey. Its really a tradeoff. I mean Tyson went so fast throught the bums, he would KO them in a round. But his style was such that when he had to fight more often his prime was short and he couldn't make the adjustment after his lost his speed.
agreed, and imagine what he'd have done with a 210lb guy with much less power comparable defense and less offense in Ali, wow what a brutalizing that'd been:eeeek:
I saw a fight of Tyson just after he got out of jail. He was just swinging wild shots. He used non of the skills that made him a champion. His prime ended a couple of fights before the Douglas loss.