Are there fighters you have enjoyed watching who have been crappy? By crappy, I mean fighters who haven't been top-40 material of their division at any point. The Peter McNeeleys and Louis Monacos of the world, from barely average to downright bums. A Canadian slugger called Troy Roberts always gave his best despite being hopeless. Former WWF wrestler Tony Halme always came to fight as well
There was a Mongolian featherweight who used to fight on ESPN about 15 yrs ago. Aggressive style. Not much defense. I can't remember his name or what became of him but he was pretty fun to watch.
That's a hard question. Would Gatti fit that category? He wasn't a bum but he wasn't elite more like a b or c fighter. My list Kirino Sanchez Pollo Valenzuela Javier Jauregui Antonio Díaz Terrón Millet
YOu really have to scrap the bottom of the barrel to find boxers that never scratched the top 40s. Most of these guys lay down at the first few punches
You know what bugs me about boxing fans? They can be pretty ruthless. I mean, if a guy takes a couple of L's, suddenly he's a total "bum" in their eyes. No need to drop names, but recently, someone in this forum dissed Isaac Cruz like that. But let's get real. You don't go toe-to-toe with Tank for 12 intense rounds if you're a bum. Gotta give credit where it's due even if you're not the biggest fan of certain fighters.
I didn't hear that detail about him but it's probably the same guy. Not a lot of Mongolian boxers on TV. They do have quite a few Sumo wrestlers in Japan that are pretty good.
I don't know if that was him. This guy had no defense. All offense. Like an Asian Oscar Larios with less skill.
Actually that might have been him. I saw some of his early fights. He was pretty good and his fights were exciting but I didn't think he would ever be a champion. I guess I was wrong on that. Then I stopped watching boxing as much and I never followed his career or heard much about him after that.
You're selling your own people short. Antonio Diaz wasn't a bum. He was a FUCK of a lot better than Isaac Cruz, I'll tell ya that.
Top 40? Guys like that dont even make it to TV. Most of the guys listed in this thread are well above 40th rank.
Jauregui was a good fighter. So was Antonio Diaz (whether it's Tono or the guy Rocky Juarez knocked out).
I don't think I've ever been a fan of a guy who was outside the top 40. That's just too far off the radar for me. My favorite fringe contender of all time is probably Antwun Echols.
Not really. There are about 1000 active fighters in each division, so reaching top 40 is actually pretty good an achievement. Guys like Tom Schwartz who fought Fury are well below top 40. Of course, few are fans of such fighters, but there can be fun personalities and balls-on-wall guys among them
No not him. Thinking about it, the guy im talking about was maybe nepalese.... He had a bit of a hamed style, and he was profiled in ko mag in a hot prospect article. I think i have his name written in my graduation book, ill try to find it
Outside of top 40 is really hard. Considering we have ~ 18 divisions (bridgerweight ) it means more or less he wasn't ever amongst the top 700 fighters in the world p4p. Basically that's the hockey equivalent of someone who's clain to fame is being a 3rd trio player in the American Hockey League Most of those guys basically either just lay down, only try to survive or are total unknown.
Yeah, I followed Sumo a bit a couple of years ago and it was a bit shocking to see Mongolians dominating the sport.
Your maths is off In season 2018-19, over 900 players dressed for an NHL game. Add farm leagues and the leagues of Switzerland, Sweden, Russia etc and there are thousands of well-paid, talented pro hockey players. It is true that top 40 level guys don't get much coverage and are thus little known, but they do have some talent. Robert Helenius in the later stages of his career was a top-40ish guy - easy meat for the best but not a professional loser by any means. Maybe my perspective is different from others but in Finland a top 40ish fighter who gets to fight for the EBU title is seen as successful There are still 950 worse guys in the same division. They can't all be diving against each other