Like I said, it was 4 years ago, but maybe he was slouching. I do remember he had a knee injury, but I'm a good sport and I'm willing to back it up. Obviously the difference in height is close, but I'm pretty sure I'm taller.
What if you guys just both film yourself getting measured at a pharmacy or something and then upload the video. How far apart do you two midge...i mean guys live from each other?
But you're not "betting" it you're winning it. She'll be very happy with you if you suddenly added an easy $5000 to your bank account. That's daily blowjobs for 5 weeks! :: Come on dude...easy money since you're taller...
nah that can be rigged. We have to met face to face and measure up against one another. Only way to be sure. I'm starting filming of my documentary in a few weeks and I need to do some filming in Ottawa. So perhaps then. I have Buddy's phone number so we'll hook up. I'll do it for 500 but man I wish it was for 5000. :Steve-Dave/MMA:
It has to be an in-person height-in or else we'll both suspect the other guy. :: And like I said, the difference in height was so little, I'm not totally 100% sure, but I'm definitely willing to test it out. It's probably less than an inch, but if he was slouching, I could be wrong.
I'm gonna PM you my home number, my cell, and my new work number (switched to a different office on the same floor). This'll be a Fightbeat original.
Do i know you? I knew another polish fight fan who lived in mississauga that used to post on Secondsout
:bears: I have a thing about height, I'm the perfect choice. I am also of a more sturdy character than Hanzy or Boss, who could be bribed by either of these two gents.
We're getting this on video. Gatti, you're welcome to come to Ottawa since sly said he'll be here in a few weeks. Documentary? Sly? What's the documentary about? Is it National Film Board stuff? Regardless, I just PMed sly my digits for work, home, and cell. Let's do this!
I'm not telling fightbeat the details of my documentary. :: You think I'm crazy? 500 dollars is nice but I really want 5000. Come on...if you're sure take the five grand.