Billy Papke vs. Georges Carpentier

Discussion in 'Fight Videos' started by Ring Leader, Dec 14, 2020.

  1. Ring Leader

    Ring Leader Undisputed Champion

    Dec 3, 2020
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    One of a series of fights between leading MW contenders that took place in the wake of Stanley Ketchel's murder in order to determine his successor. Papke (in the shorter trunks) recovered from some rocky moments early in the fight and gradually wore down the Frenchman to force an 18th-round stoppage.

  2. timmothysmith01

    timmothysmith01 Leap-Amateur

    Oct 20, 2022
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    Papke traveled to Paris where he beat the future champion, Georges Carpentier, in an eighteenth-spherical technical knockout on October 23, 1912. It became a non-championship fight while Papke handed the center-weight restrict at the pre-combat weigh-in. Papke's infighting or close-variety strategies baffled the professional Carpentier. at the end of the eighth, Carpentier's proper eye become closed, and he fought extra carefully. even though staging a comeback inside the 15th and sixteenth, Carpentier become floored inside the opening of the seventeenth round when Papke struck him with a left hook, probable taking advantage of the reduced vision on his opponent's proper aspect. Carpentier attempted to fight on but gave up after consulting together with his cornermen, and did no longer go back for the eighteenth round.

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