Why Hollywood keeps making Woke productions that loses money?

Discussion in 'Movies & Televison: Reviews, Discussions & Debate' started by Panchyprsss, Jun 7, 2023.

  1. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    From race swapping & feminist (Peter Pan & Wendy, The Little Mermaid, Cleopatra) to LGBTQ (Bros, Strange World) to the yet to be released "Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny", Hollywood continues pushing woke projects that turn off audiences and end up losing money...big time. Why they keep doing this makes no sense, but yet similar projects keep being greenlighted.
    Any thoughts?

    ILLUMINATI Roberto Duran

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Are they woke productions??? Maybe the target audience is much smaller so they should adjust their budgets.

    A black MERMAID is not being WOKE...I don't remember the original story...is this live-action different from the original??

    Bros is super gay I heard...so it's probably tragetted at that audience....

    Strange World? How many maricones in that one?? And is the story about gay maricon loving?
  3. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    No he’s right they are doing it. Disney has pretty much bankrupted it’s movie market by consistently hiring woman over people with actual credentials. Kathlen Kennedy has pretty made the Star Wars investment a financial disaster yet they keep letting her work. She’s up for contract extension in August and I would be shocked if they let her go now. It’s almost like they’re scared to fire her.

    It’s not just the hiring stuff but every major star in shows is being replaced by a female. Look at the new Indiana Jones movie where he’s being replaced by a woman. Hell, Marvel has done it so much critics have started calling it the M-She-U.
    Deasil likes this.

    ILLUMINATI Roberto Duran

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Well that makes sense...replacing genders just for shits of it never works. If you going to do that at least write a compelling backstory...

    I still want to know whats wrong w/ the little mermaid other than her being black she's still a woman and they change the story to make it "WOKE"...or is it the same original story.

    and the lgbtq movies the audience is much much smaller...those Queens, queers and Transformers shouldn't be calling/labeling people HOMOphobic who don't go see it.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    Because There's a MARKET for It, Evidently...Movie Studios AREN'T In the Business Of Losing Money; Not for Looooooooooooong...

  6. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Apparently they are okay with losing money. Disney keeps doing it with Marvel and Star Wars and their profits have been in the toilet for two or three quarters here and they haven’t made any changes to bring it back to normalcy.

    Personally I think the whole woke movement stuff serves two purposes:

    1.) It further divides the lower and middle classes so they’ll never come together and utilize that togetherness to fight against rules and regulations that are threatening their freedoms and breaking them financially.

    2.) It serves as a distraction to rule number 1. Don’t bother wondering why all your tax money is being sent to Ukraine, instead pitch a fit about a budweiser commercial and the woke agenda.


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    1. Please Explain IN DETAIL How the "Woke Movement" is DIVIDING the Lower and Middle Classes???...

    The Entire Premise of the "Woke Movement" (@ Its CORE) is SELF AWARNESS In a Society Perpetually Misrepresented by HIStory...So Yes, PLEASE Explain How This is in Some Way DIVISIVE Amongst Lower and Middle Classes???:Dont:...

    2. People are WILLFULLY Distracted; the "Woke Movement" is a Fucking Cop Out...Blacks, Latino's and Other Minorities Having More REPRESENTATION in Motion Pictures Is In Some Way DIVISIVE???....

  8. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    I feel it’s causing division because instead of bringing everyone together it’s people putting themselves in smaller and smaller separate boxes. Now it’s not enough to be a black or latino, now they have to be a black trans or one of the other letters. Now they have to be something other than male or female with their pronouns. Once they find their group they tend to become overly sensitive to everything and lash out against people over the smallest stuff. Maybe I’m wrong but does all this LGBTQ stuff seem like it’s bringing people together? Do you think America could ever come together to fight against oppression the way France did?

    I always wondered why corporations and even politicians were so quick to not only support things like lgbtq and additional pronouns but to actually push them. I believe it’s because they knew it would cause more division and planned accordingly.

    Obviously I’m all for representation in film but the way it’s being done by most companies is to purposely cause anger so that the only people happy about that representation is the particular group being represented. And yes I do think representation is a negative thing if your only purpose of doing it is to pander and in most cases push division. Hiring writers and directors just because they’re a particular race and are female doesn’t do any good if the person hired isn’t the best choice for the job. These types of hiring practices cause anger amongst the unrepresented group which causes further division and I believe that is a big reason companies like Disney do it. Corporations and politicians have been making moves for centuries to ensure they’re able to keep their hoarded money while simultaneously keeping the regular folk down. They’ve been waging war forever and this is just part of their plan to sew division so people won’t come together and push for change.

    As a black man you know how I feel about black representation and fairness/rights but in all honesty, these days we actually have much bigger problems than racial ones and sex or pronouns etc. We’re all losing major rights and freedoms by the day and too many people are focusing on dumb stuff and sucking up propaganda by the ton.


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    What You're FAILING to Acknowledge is the FACT a Large Segment of Society (American Society in Particular) DOES NOT Want to Be "Brought Together", PERIODT...REED Would Even Say it's a LARGER Segment of American Society That Feels That Way, Not just a Large Segment...

    Looooooooooooong Before the "Woke Movement", Neighborhoods were ALREADY "Divided" By Segregation and RACE BASED Zoning - And When Successful Blacks and Latino's DARED to Move Into Higher Income Neighborhoods, "White Flight" Ensued...Your Premise on the "Woke Movement" Makes it Seem as if there was Momentum TOWARDS Inclusion That Was Somehow DULLED by Being "Woke"...That's Simply NOT the Case Bruh...

    It's a Cliche, But Black Folks Are NOT a Monolith...In Fact, NO Race or Political Affiliation, Gender or Sexual Orientation is a Monolith Either...Caitlyn Jenner???...A CONSERVATIVE TransGendered Person...You REALLY Think There AREN'T Gay Conservatives or Gun Toting, God Fearing, Pro-LIFE LIBERALS???...REED's Point in Saying This Is, TITLES are Important...Some AREN'T Happy just Being Thrown In the Black or White Box Because There's MORE to Them than Such...

    People That Take ISSUE w/Those Living Their AUTHENTIC Lives Are the One's w/a Problem...As Looooooooooong as No LAWS, RIGHTS or PERSONAL SPACE Is Being Violated, Who Gives a Fuck???...The Segment of Society That Wants to CONTROL, RULE and PRESIDE Over Those Deemed LOWER Than Them, That's WHO Gives a Fuck...The Segment of Society THREATENED by Anything DIFFERENT from Them...

    A REDNECK or SPOONFED Trump Supporter Bitches About a "Woke" Movie, So We BLAME the Movie for Getting the Racist Rednecks and Trump Supporters Hot & Bothered???:Jest:...Corporations and Politicians Want the PERCEPTION of "Fairness & Equality", THAT'S Why They Support Minority Causes...

    The Hiring of Minority Staffing On Minority Projects is About OPPORTUNITY!!! Opportunity That was Loooooooooooooooooong OVERDUE...You Can't Expect "White" Projects to Look Out for Minorities, Yet There's a PROBLEM w/"Black" Projects Doing So???....It's Funny How Minorities Endured CENTURIES Without Opportunities, Yet After What Equates to About 5 Minutes Historically, NOW Folks Are BOTHERED by Opportunities Being Afforded to Minorities...Nevermind the Countless Writers/Directors That BENEFITTED from the LACK of Minority Opportunities, Huh???:Dont:Add Another 345-350 YEARS to That Shit, THEN Lets Call it "Even"...

    Those Sorts AREN'T Mad About the HEAD START They Received and They're Damn Sure NOT Returning the Money Accumulated Off the Backs of Minorities NOT Afforded Those Same Opportunities...

    It's Like People Saying Racism was OVER After 1 Black President, Nevermind the FACT the Other 45 were LILY WHITE MALES...That's What Bitching About the "Woke Movement" Sounds Like, as If we're ALL On a Level Playing Field, ALL Has Been Forgotten, ALL Minority Achievements are Being Taught In American High School Curriculums, etc...No Need to Be "Woke" Because ALL Has Been Rectified, Right???...

    Correct REED if he's Wrong, But Don't You Reside in Asia???...In Present Day America, w/the WAY Fucks Like TRUMP Re-Opened the Race Based FLOODGATES and Empowered Millions Who Had Been SILENCED and Presumably Put Out to Pasture, RACE Tops the List of This Countries ISSUES Bruh...

    Fuck Political Affiliations, This Country is Broken Down into 3 Groups - Those That WANT Minorities to STAY In Their Place, Those That TRULY Want Minorities to Have an EQUAL Place and Minorites That Are HAPPY Staying IN Their Place....But Make NO Mistake, RACE is @ the Forefront Of It...

    RACE Determines OPPORTUNITY....Always HAS and Always WILL, In REED's Lifetime @ Least...

    Like REED Said, Blaming a MOVIE or a CHARACTER from One is just a Cop-Out...

    salaco and Erratic like this.
  10. REEDsART


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    Was REED Interested When Green Latern Revealed He was GAY in the Comics, No...Is REED Interested in a Black "Little Mermaid", No...

    But REED Isn't OUTRAGED By a Gay Superhero Or a Trans Superhero For That Matter, Either...Nor Was REED Outraged When Literally EVERY SINGLE Motion Picture Superhero was WHITE...It Would Be VERY Easy for REED To Simply IGNORE Such Movies, If That Were the Case....

    Which Tells REED Those That ARE Outraged Are Harboring a LARGER Issue...The "Woke Movement" Is Just Diversionary Bullshit...

  11. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    You’re speaking to the choir on race relations. As much as I’ve argued racial issues on this site you should know where I stand. As far as people not wanting to come together that’s very unintelligent. I’m not saying people need to he hugging and singing in the streets but when it comes to making change people need to work together. That’s how unions and protests work and when it comes to pretty much every right we have in this country from safety standards, workers and civil rights it was all done by groups of people coming together and working together and sometimes it even meant working with people we might not always agree with. Conservatives aren’t my enemies, the politicians and corporatists pushing division are. Also I’m not saying I agree a person should be upset about the wokeness being pushed I’m just explaining why it’s being pushed and how it’s causing division.

    My premise was never under the suggestion that race relations were getting better, I may be in Japan but I’m not stupid. Also for the record the wokeness term that I was using is the mainstream media version not the actual version that it started out as before it was hijacked.

    Most of the woke stuff I addressed wasn’t even associated with race which seems to be most of your focus. The main issue I’ve been addressing and what this thread is really about has been the overt focus of using females in making and starring in movies. I have no problem with females getting positions of power but when they hire female managers who then hire only females at every position of film making who also have their own agendas. It’s a problem. When those females personally admit to not having researched the characters or worlds they’re making films about, it’s a problem. When those females constantly find it necessary to replace popular male movie characters with female movie characters for no real reason it’s a problem. When these female writers and producers get criticized for their terrible product because they couldn’t be bothered to do research and they turn around and blame the fans or blame it on sexism, it’s a problem. It seems many of these women turn out to be just as power hungry, egotistical and narcissistic as the men who used to hold those positions, the biggest difference is the product didn’t so visibly suffer like it has.
    Deasil likes this.
  12. Roll With The Punches

    Roll With The Punches WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Mar 17, 2003
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    how long has this woke thing been going on?
    generally a corporation like that isn't going to change it's direction so quickly...i'm assuming they committed to a particular strategy for a period of time or a designated number of movies, and will review when complete
  13. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    It’s been going on for a while. Lots of people just don’t seem to notice. Didn’t you notice how most of Marvels superheroes have been replaced with females? Even Indiana Jones now apparently. If they’re not right out replacing the male characters with females they’ll put a female as the supposed side kick only to try to subliminally focus the show on the female such as in shows like The Mandalorian, Boba Fett, Loki, Hawkeye just to name a few. The Amazon Ring series was centered around a female protagonist, She Hulk was better at being the Hulk than the Hulk. On top of making these female characters nearly infallible and never needing to grow or improve at anything because they’re already perfect they tend to simultaneously make the men incompetent by comparison. Also the women are rarely ever allowed to be helped or trained by a man. After all they wouldn’t want to have something mansplanned to them.
  14. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    Jan 21, 2003
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    The only way it makes sense is if the company is a political entity. And if it is (it acts like one), I would think share holders would have something to say about it.
  15. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    I agree that a film targeted toward a smaller demography should have a smaller budget for pure financial/business reasons. The moment a company significantly increases the budget for that same project, IMO it is either because (a) it has such a GREAT potential for blockbuster box office revenue or (b) it is trying to send a loud message that even if it is a financial failure , it can keep the discussion of that same message going for a while.

    The race swapping is always an issue if the original source material, beloved by many or just plain accepted as historical fact, clearly established the race of such character. That is why Netflix's "Cleopatra" received the almost universal backlash from audiences and many critics. Just imagine the reverse race swap like these ones...
    upload_2023-7-10_12-23-30.jpeg [​IMG]

    Even black children that knew and loved the original Disney's Ariel are rejecting this new race swapped version.

    The new Little Mermaid is not woke merely for the race swap, but also because they turned her character into a Mary Sue. No longer is her motivation to go to the surface her love for the handsome prince, but to SEE THE WORLD, GO ON ADVENTURES, BE AN EMPOWERED FEMALE. Oh, yeah, she no longer loves that dude, he becomes just her buddie on her quest for empowerment adventures. No wonder this movie lost money big time.

    "Strange World", a Disney Pixar movie, features a girl and her two GAY dads. Most parents decided to skip this one so it became Pixar's biggest flop...until Elementals released recently to also abysmal box office.
  16. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Oh and by the way "Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny" is already a flop. Audiences cringed at the sight of a sad, depressed, pathetic geriatric Dr. Jones that keeps getting rescued and bested all the time by a woman, whom even critics are calling 'annoying & insufferable'. Indiana Jones is merely a SIDEKICK to this woman even though he is supposed to be the main protagonist. Days after its lower than anyone imagined opening, Disney executives had an emergency meeting with Lucasfilm's leaders and apparently some heads will roll. Hopefully is Kathleen Kennedy's, but she has been in this situation before and survived. Lets see what happens.
  17. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Many shareholders are already having their say and, for example, Disney recently have been cancelling many projects that looked like they had the same woke formula. There are rumors that Disney wants to hire George Lucas to lead Lucasfilms, but that Lucas instead wants to buy back Lucasfilms.

    And is trending these past days that Disney's Bob Iger FINALLY fired Kathleen Kennedy...but we have been mislead before so until it is officially reported I am not believing it.
    ‘Star Wars’ Fans Rejoice as Lucasfilm Reportedly Fires Controversial Executive - Inside the Magic
  18. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    The Disney fan backlash goes beyond just their movies. Apparently this past 4th of July saw the Disney theme parks have their lowest customer turnout in years. Critics think it’s a direct response to Disney’s woke direction and statements from executives claiming to want more gay and trans leads to mirror the execs who also identify as such.

    I’d be absolutely shocked if KK gets canned. She’s solely responsible for costing Disney billions and they seem quite content to let her keep running the company straight into the earth’s core. Even if they do get rid of her I can totally see them just bringing in or promoting someone else who just continues doing what she was doing: more woke female/gay productions that minimize and deconstruct the male lead. There’s definitely a reason this is being done and whatever the reason, I think it goes beyond present day film profits.
  19. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Okay these people just didn't learned a damned thing from this summer's flops: the new Disney's live action remake of Snow White should be retitled "Señorita Brown & the Seven Multiracially Diverse Gender Affirming People". From the description given this will be another feminist empowered female who doesn't really need a Prince to save her nor to be a love interest? I see another flop in the horizon.

  20. Roll With The Punches

    Roll With The Punches WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Mar 17, 2003
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    that's a funny one because I'm pretty certain Snow White got her name from having skin that is white as snow...those morons
  21. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Being faithful to the original source is apparently the last thing in the minds of Disney's filmmakers. To be honest the fact that a Latina plays Snow White doesn't bother me as much as what they did to the Seven Dwarfs, which are as or more iconic than Snow White herself. Now there is only one dwarf and the rest are multi-racial males, females and trans idiots. By being inclusive Disney has left out of work the few real dwarf actors that remain in Tinseltown. And many of them are really pissed with Disney.

    ILLUMINATI Roberto Duran

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Panchy be real...do you really want to see real dwarf actor? Eww yuck...

    Other than Tyrion of course.
  23. salaco

    salaco Undisputed Champion

    Nov 27, 2002
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    Why bitch and moan about a film aimed at pre-school children? If the movies suck, word of mouth will do its job, it's more likely the poverty of imagination rather than an inclusive policy to casting which is contributing to falling revenue...what's the hit to miss ratio for these live action remakes?
  24. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Pretty much all of the latest superhero films for both Disney and DC have all flopped maybe with the exception of Guardians of the Galaxy 3. With expectations very high that The Marvels, Blue Bettle and Aquaman 2 are all going to flop I think it’s safe to say that Disney—and not necessarily Marvel—will be single handedly responsible for killing off the entire super hero genre. Disney’s insistence to focus on identity politics over everything else has turned off fans to a point of near boycott and Disney’s indifference or incapability to write interesting characters, stories or dialogue has turned off the rest of the fans who were willing to overlook the political stuff.

    DC doesn’t appear to be safe either. It’d be easy to blame this on the so called super hero fatigue but I think fans are just overall fed up with the continuous failures of Disney destroying and mediocritizing IP while also killing off and minimizing beloved characters in both Star Wars and Marvel. In effect, people seem to be lumping it all together and are just done. I think it’s even gone as far as affecting Pixar too as many of their latest films have flopped as well.

    Just a few years ago everything Disney touched turned to billions, now everything they drop are duds. So to Bob Iger who I hear actually cares about his legacy, it’s nice to know history won’t be kind, unless of course they lie, which I wouldn’t put past them.
  25. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    agREED on everything in your post.
  26. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Well, well, "The Marvels" had the WORST opening ever in the MCU history with a lame $46.8 million domestic gross. On top of that it also scored the WORST second weekend ever for an MCU film with a pathetic $10 million. At this rate it will be almost impossible for it to even reach the $100 million mark. This film supposedly had a budget around $270 million (including reshoots and marketing), but today reports are coming in that Disney spend even more than that. Therefore, this movie is turning not only into Disney's biggest flop ever, but also one of the biggest movie box office bombs ever!
    Go woke, go broke.

    Strike One.

    After The Marvels disastrous performance, you might think that Disney's decision maker might have learned their lesson.


    Just this week it was announced that Chilean actor Pedro Pascal has been cast in the role of Reed Richards in the new "Fantastic Four" reboot. I like Pascal. He is a decent actor. But for the life of me, he is NOT Reed Richards the same way that Michael B. Jordan was NOT Johnny Storm! I see the same stupid mistakes at work here.

    Strike Two.

    But if that wasn't enough inside sources at Marvel have revealed that, yes, the Silver Surfer will be in this reboot and that, yes, will be a FEMALE silver surfer! BULLSHIT!!! I am not watching that shit even if I am offered money!!

    Strike Three and OUT!!!

    Not this

    But maybe this, probably covered in spandex suit and Lesbian with They, Them pronouns...
  27. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Well I found out the answer to the thread's question. It can be found in the following video. Most of it goes through the history of Disney and how it began it's downfall. If you want to skip all that and go straight to the reason of why Disney is doing and will continue to do woke productions skip to 28:58 on the video.

  28. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    How did the obviously GAY HRC became so freaking powerful? who gave HRC so much power over extremely successful/wealthy corporations? These HRC social points look identical to China's social scores that control even individual citizens. I guess we are headed toward that nightmare scenario.
  29. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Add Disney/Pixar "Wish" to their list of box office bombs. The animated film, which a few months ago industry pundits were predicting will dominate the Thanksgiving holiday weekend with at least $85 million opening and getting Disney out of the slump it has been stuck of lately, has seen those forecasts continually shrinking its numbers with the most recent ones, just a few days ago before its release, putting with a low estimate between $38-$42 million during the 5 days holiday. It was worst. "Wish" was panned by both critics and audiences and opened in the THIRD PLACE (an unheard scenario for a Disney/Pixar film) with a lame $31.7 million.

    You will think Disney executives finally learned from their mistakes, right?


    The only Marvel release for 2024, "Captain America: Brave New World", which originally was supposed to be released during Xmas this year, have been pushed back and is undergoing extensive reshoots after test audiences just plain hated the film. One of the controversies surrounded the character of Sabra, an Israeli superhero who first appeared in comic books in 1980. With the current pro-Hamas/Palestinian/ANTI-ISRAEL climate the last thing Marvel wanted was to infuriate the militant woke sector, even if historically they don't buy tickets to put their money where their mouth is. So whatever the original premise it was, expect it to be a totally different one. I personally never cared for Falcon as Captain America. Even at that time in the comics it felt like pandering and more so today.
  30. Panchyprsss

    Panchyprsss Clogg's LORD PROTECTOR

    Jul 1, 2004
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    If I were a Hollywood executive and wanted to cater to the woke check list, I would immediately buy the rights to the Japanese manga/anime "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End". Not only this is an ORIGINAL story, not only it has compelling characters, amazing world building and awesome fantasy action, but its main two leads are empowered females (a thouysand year old tiny elf mage and her teenager human apprentice) that gained their magic power by YEARS IN TRAINING, not remotely Mary Sue's. This anime is currently among the top 3 rated right now, which means that, yes male audiences love it! If there is a live action version of Frieren, audiences of all genders and races will run to watch it. I highly recommend both the manga and the anime. It is plain fantastic!


    Oh, and I forgot to mention that the animation in this series is top notch: is at movie level on each episode.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023

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