Tyson, Byrd, Holyfield, Povetkin, Oquendo, Hide, just off the top of my head. Haye isn't particularly fast at all. I would have thought he'd be faster, being a cruisweight and all. His punches are telegraphed, and have only slightly above average velocity for a heavyweight. Wlad has faster hands too, or at least he did in his prime.
his punches are telegraphed as fuck. he only throws when the other guy isnt. he's predictable and to be honest not very good. does anyone rate haye that highly?
Ref sucks. Haye hit him behind the head. Again. Haye has NO CHANCE against anyone with a chin who can maintain ANY OFFENSE on him.
You've got to be kidding me? You think Haye is faster than Povetkin and Byrd? Their hands are MUCH quicker, it's not even close. Haye's punches are telegraphed and not even particularly fast.
well he's clearly, clearly the 3rd best heavyweight in the world. Doesn't say much, but he's basically the only heavyweight in fights worth watching.
Prime Holyfield was significantly faster than Haye, and yes so was Spinks. Even in today's awful HW divison, Pov's hands are twice as quick as Haye's. Haye's jab has half decent speed, his right hand is average speed and telegraphed.
Haye is back to his old routine. Trying to steal it. Mouth WIDE open. Wide slow shots. Infrequent rights. Hope they dont pull Johnny out;
haye corner should stop the fight to spare Haye the late round whooping is gonna get :crying::crying:
Idiocy. Based on what? Close wins over Oquendo, McLine or 1 armed Oldyfield? Haye would have knocked those guys out. Byrd was about as good as Ruiz and it seems pretty clear Haye is better than Ruiz.
Listening to the cluless, drivelling, nuthugging Brit commentators actually makes me feel ashamed to be British.