Thank you! [IMG]
Thank you! Your words truly made my day. Regarding the review being generic, I purposely avoided spoiling the plot as it will ruin the enjoyment...
[IMG] SHAZAM! (2019) Shazam! doesn't try to be the Dark Knight, nor Aquaman nor the Avengers. No. It is basically a throwback nostalgic film of...
Full trailer (I already miss Jeremy Irons voice). [MEDIA]
I thought you would say Captain Smart-pants
Tyrion's chat with Cersei last season was good too.
I have not watched the trailer, but by the title I am guessing it is a PureFlix Faith-Based melodrama film, right?
Doesn't matter the time travel or if Thanos has all the Infinity stones: they got now Captain Marvel to kick his purple ass to the other side of...
New clip featuring our saviour Captain Marvel, "...before you didn't had me!" [MEDIA]
I am tired.
Nah, is okay at 1:50 and the credits are hilarious too. This is DCEUs Deadpool but PG-13.
Okay, I watched it. Is good. Recommended.
I always wanted to punch Stallone for dumping his first wife, Sasha Czack (the mother of his first two children and the one that was with him...
Alita passed $400 million globally (after it had reached that number in the prior two weeks, but for some reason lost like $10 million in the...
Sad day for true Marvel fans. From now on you might expect lots of feminist woke crap; even that SJW Squirrel Girl to get her own film and become...
It left on a cliffhanger: who was going to pull down the pants first and ask for the first turn at gay anal sex.
I was going to watch Shazam! today, but I barely slept last night and might fall asleep during the movie or worst yet: while driving. I will try...
Yes, it is TERRIBLE...but I didn't want to remember that from an otherwise excellent film.
Free episode on Youtube 'The Comedian' with an all non-white cast and a token white here or there, spiced with anti-gun dialogue and some insults...
The original Captain Marvel (Shazam) has always been a dude. The Marvel Comics rip-off version started as a man, the character was killed and...
The whole film is cringe worthy. but that scene reminded me of this one: [MEDIA]
A film project rejected by the Rock? [MEDIA]
You will NEVER find me or my family in a mosque...or near one! F A I L
That verbal attack was UNPLANNED!
Trinidad vs Chavez Sr. Tito's camp kept calling him out, but Chavez went for the 'easier' DLH.
Both moved up to superwelter and later to middleweight. They could have fought if Oscar only wanted to.
Separate names with a comma.