Left Sulecki in the FETAL Position from that Body Shot... REED:eek:
1st Man to STOP Sulecki...That Means Something... REED:Fights:
Pacheco's Defense Ain't Margarita Bad, But it Ain't GOOD Either... REED:Fights:
REED's Pleasantly Surprised by the COMMENTARY of Gabe Rosado...Wouldn't Expect a Blood and Guts Action Fighter to ARTICULATE the Game the Way Gabe...
Diego "Lend Me Your Ears" Pacheco... REED:emoji_ear:
Diego Pacheco up Next on DAZN, vs Maciej Sulecki... REED:Fights:
agREED... Even Though it was 20 or so Years Removed from his Best Fighting Days, the Loss to Yori Boy was Telling...QUITTING as Ayala Did Spoke...
From What REED Recalls, Ayala and Moore Sparred to the Degree it was All But a Foregone Conclusion Ayala Would've Beaten Moore for his Super...
Arum's Probably Offering as Much or MORE for Norman to Defend Against Teofimo @ Some Point...That's Literally the ONLY Way This Makes the LEAST...
Yep... Black Moon and the Boot Camp Clik were Among the 1st REED Recalls Saying It...Bucktown - Home of the Original Gun Clappers... REED:pop:
"Tell Me Why" theFUCK a Backstreet Boy is Standing Behind Dela and His Companion???... REED:Dont:
Most Boxers Have ABNORMALLY Large Heads, from REED's Observation... REED Doesn't Know or Particularly Care (Beyond a SURFACE Level) if Dela's...
Research ISN'T Gay Doub....Soooo Dig IN There and Let Fightbeat Know... REED:Dont:
Jawline, Implants, LACK of Hips...And the Hands/Feet ain't Much Smaller than Dela's... Soon, Huh???... REED:duck:
Soon???... REED:duck:
There's a Helluva LOT More on Shakur's Resume Than JUST Cordina Though, Compared to Keyshawn's Resume... REED:afro:
Fair Point... But Keyshawn ISN'T That Good and Abdullah's Like 15 Years of Age... REED:Dont:
REED Will Safely ASSume Lockridge was a Boxer Before a Cokehead... Viva Boxing! REED:Fights:
Hurd PLAYED Himself Out of a Charlo Unification Payday, @ the Very Least...INSISTING On the Hometown Bout vs. J-Rock Instead... Charlo Took an L...
For about 4-5 Rounds, Jeison Rosario Managed to Make Jarrett Hurd LOOK Somewhat "Swift"...Then Age & Reality Set In, the Mayweather Facade...
[IMG] REED Doesn't Think the Rocky Lockridge Cry Gets its "Just Due", in the Words of Larry Holmes...Not from BOXING Fans, That Is... An...
Toooo Preoccupied w/What he THOUGHT He Should Be and the IMAGE He was Projecting…. “America’s Darling” Gold Medalist, “Golden Boy”, Heart Throb,...
Perversions and Perpetual BI-CURIOSITY Aside:confused:, Dela's Never Seemed More @ EASE w/Himself, Never Seemed More LIBERATED... Dude's...
The FUCK is "ProBoxTV"? Will This Be Shown for FREE or Behind a Paywall???... REED:Dont:
Safe Bet NOBODY Rocking Pants like that Punches Worth a Fuck... REED:duck:
Loser LEAVES Boxing... REED:Fights:
Separate names with a comma.