Izzy by KO Hyped for this fight, too!
A mere eight options to choose from. Hmmmmm. Couldn't you fit another 2 or 3 in there?
Exactly. Xfakesive is bigging-up overrated Errol Spence when everyone else knows that Golovkin totally wrecked Brook.....totally.
:zzzzz :roper:
You´ll watch it. So will every other fake, hypocritical faggot that posts on this dogshit site or has ever posted here (and then fucked off)
I'm boxing Pacquiao next - McGregor
Being as McGregor tweeted it at 2:30pm today, I´d have to say.....´No´.
Definately has to happen! [MEDIA] Manny Pacquiao is absolutely desperate for Conor McGregor fight | SportsJOE.ie
Both sides in talks. This fight HAS to happen! Floyd Mayweather v Logan Paul: a note-perfect signpost for the end of days Floyd Mayweather and...
Yep. 6/10
No, I read it in a UK media: no crowds until Spring next year
March 2021, son. This is your 'reality' until then.
Best scene in the whole series - unfortunately it occurs at the start of Episode 1 (which is good) so no need to watch anymore of this...
Nigel Benn v Gerald McClellan Beat him down and made him "quit like a dog"
No, it´s a good list, but that fight is the oddity. Looking back on the night (it was a Thursday ) - I was cheering for Holmes all the way...
Hatton, after tasting Mayorga´s poweeeerrr: [MEDIA]
Larry Holmes v Muhammad Ali Lupe Pintor v Johnny Owen Luis Resto v Billy Collins Jr Ray ´Boom Boom´ Mancini v Kim Fuk-koo
My account got hacked
:Cowboy: Well done, gayboy. Not only are you SHIT at movie opinions/reviews but you got so much going on in your SHIT life that you felt the need...
Minter. Dogshit. A Laaaahhhhndhan caricature who we (yes, we because we were there and knew about this shit, way before Irish-McIrish), laughed...
Faggot, please. You got a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card today - and the punk responsible is going to Barcelona anyway. I'm calling it here....now.
They don´t know how to win - he´s saying that like Liverpool are some reincarnation of Ferguson´s Manchester United in the 90s when often, they...
What an absolute prick Lineker is: [ATTACH] ´they do know how to win´ :rolleye:
Back......BACK.....BAAAACCKKK!! [IMG]
The best parts are when Tyson says something, and Rogan starts laughing uncontrollably before Tyson just glares at him [ATTACH] ´That´s not...
Read somewhere it was supposed to be two, 21/2-hr movies - if not, I can't see how they'll stay faithful to the novel.
Excellent cast, visuals look great - and as a Dune fan, I will obviously watch it....objectively! (it´s first of 2-parts)
Mike destroys Joe. [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.