My Dad's 2nd wife was borderline obsessed with Manilow in the 70s and 80s. Nice woman though, great legs.
Neither. 'Rio' by Mike Nesmith shits on both from a great height. [MEDIA] And the video, being as it was the first proper video in the format...
Same goes for De La Hoya: best win at 147
See, that's also the question mark because although he won, it was albeit contentiously.
In 36 fights at 147, who would you say was Trinidad's best win?
Bit harsh, but agreed.
Could Tito have beaten Jose Luis Lopéz, surely the most dangerous yet lazy /wasteful welterweight of the 90s?
Good thread. Also in addition to these replies, surely the composition of boxing gloves over the last 70 years would make some difference?
Sound logic, Hanzy
No I agree she doesnt have a chin like Waterford Crystal but I didnt see her take a lot flush.
Interesting method, but yeah, do it.
I think you'd find my sociopathic nature and blue eyes would see you off, quick fast.
Knowing that pudgy little red-faced on-the-gear himself Dana would be 100% behind him all the way...
Sounds about right for you.
Jon 'Pictogram' Jones. [MEDIA] lolololol. Tit.
Same here but his boxing style I hated too. He was pretty fast but it all looked sonewhat 'forced' and not fluid/rhythmic at all.
No. But we arent trying to exceed Tyson-Lewis or McClellan-Jackson or the thread would have been closed after two posts.
Hummmm....interesting. Anyway, I misread the post: 154 was Wright.
Neither of you two overly-sensitive-open-the-doors-for-women-beta-otbiters would last 20 seconds trying to inflict such laughable 'physical...
Absolutely not the lolocaust you think. Tyson said Ruddock hit him harder than anyone he fought and Smith had a big KO rate at the time of his...
Tyson v Smith Tyson v Ruddock
The perpetually sexually frustrated / perverted panchyprsss again?
Hmmmmm. Someone stole your cornflakes, you freak?!
And then.....DIE.
Agreed. Such a simple, fundamental style that you don't see a lot of with modern boxers. Hopkins said he was one of his most difficult opponents....
Good another James Toney thread - one of the greatest pure boxers ever. I posted an appreciation thread not long ago and as a bonus, you even get...
How can I be an NPC when I'm not a Liberal??? Cdogg, ILLU and Nobleart are the Liberals here...
Hamzy doing his best to wreck the forum with useless posts. At least cdogg and I suggest sonething positive and deserving: entire evisceration of...
Charles 'The Future' Hatley!!! Er.....from Dallas, Tx.
Separate names with a comma.