Keep that rbr going brotha jake. Good shit dawg.
For those that claim that MAB looks better coming into this fight then he did against Floyd. What is the proof? Can ya'll provide some facts or...
Fight doesn't go past 5 rounds. Manny will be way too juiced up for this fight. He's no longer the same fighter he was when during the first 2...
Fuck no this fight goes 3 maybe 4 rounds max. I'll Holla 5000
First off there are hella broke athletes. Some r even homeless. Why is it the responsibility of certain athletes to take care of those athletes....
It is true Floyd can not shit talk. It's a good thing the dude is a hellava fighter. I'll Holla 5000
I have a question. How manny didnt take the 3rd fight when marquez flew to mannys home country. I mean people wonna talk about demand. Thats when...
I understand that when they first fought they fought at 126lbs but that was 3yrs ago. 3yrs later they are fighting a 147lbs and that's where...
I agree with you 100%. However, this might be giving Floyd way too much credit but he still should have handled himself a little more...
The more I look at that punch that was landed by Berto Ortiz's ass should have been put to sleep. I'll Holla 5000
So are you agreeing that Berto's shot appeared to be harder? Cause that punch damn near snapped Ortiz's head off his shoulders. And lemme say...
This is your opinion. But I agree there are a bunch of yes men but every fighter has them. That's the nature of the business. I'll Holla 5000
I said that it was my opinion that Floyd was speaking the truth just like everyone elses' opinion on the topic. So if you want to break down what...
Steve I don't give a fuck where he was looking. He still took Berto's bomb and yes he was hurt but he got his ass up with full confidence and...
Sounds like Floyd was talken nothing but facts. Everything he said sounded like the truth to me. But that's just my opinion. I'll Holla 5000
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Ya'll can't tell me that the 1-2 Floyd landed was harder then the single right hand Berto landed. Whether his hands were down or not. That was a...
Nope but perhaps that was the fight where he made up in his mind he had to do something that would change him mentally and physically. I'll Holla...
Fuck that Double L dude was in the fucking ring in both instances. It wasn't like he got stole on while at church. Dude was in combat in both...
Perhaps Ortiz was on the PED's against Berto and felt so mentally and physcially strong that he was able to walk through anything that Berto...
fuck that go back and look at round 6 of the fight against Berto and you tell me Berto did throw that shot wit KO written all over it. The punch...
I actually saw the hug then the 2 punches that were landed by Floyd. I'll Holla 5000
I haven't seen the fight but some have said that Ortiz looked bigger then Floyd but felt that Floyd appeared to be the stronger guy. In the Berto...
Here is Floyd's explanation of what occurred last night. I'll Holla 5000 <iframe width="560" height="315"...
I agree with some of the things you typed, however you don't ever have to see him again. Floyd has never ever held a gun to your head and told...
For some reason I believe that was an act. Why because Floyd just went off for no reason. And then Merchant saying if he was 50 years younger he...
lemme ask this. Was Floyd getting hit with hard shots. Was getting to Floyd where Floyd felt the need to take the shot that he took. I'll Holla...
Didn't Mayweather do something like this to Gatti? I'll Holla 5000
Why you say that? I'll Holla 5000
Lemme ask this. If Floyd thought that the shit was intentional especially if Ortiz had done it before. Maybe he got upset wit the butts and said...
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