Caught this on Amazon last night. Very good. Simple, grimy, pulpy genre exercise. Joaquin (or Joachim, as Sly affectionately calls him) Phoenix...
3 Frontiers 5 Well Trained Men 1 Helicopter 1 Scared Hot Latin Broad and her ugly no dialogue speaking brother 1 Mysterious, yet almost...
That's too bad Panchy. My wife actually stayed awake all through "Triple Frontier", which is a Herculean feat for her. I think she liked it better...
Netflix got me again......LOL! Anybody catch the really awful helicopter CGI going over the "Andes"? "Oh no, we can't go above 4000 feet". You...
Holy Jesus, Giants in full tank mode. Let go or traded anybody who was worth a shit on defense, and then trades Beckham which still leaves them...
Panchy, how much of your own money did you spend to watch this movie?
I'm probably clutching straws here and the dude is hardly any kind of a movie star, and he was in his 50's already before anybody realized he...
Cage is not the best actor, but he might possibly be the funnest actor around. He's one of the only actors that I might go out of my way to see an...
Yeah, he's the first one I thought of. He used to be all over the map from movie to movie. Sometimes he'd be good and sometimes it seemed like he...
Did you have the fastest reflexes in your 5th grade movie critique class?
I haven't seen it yet, but based on Panchy's review, I'm going to have to check it out now.
I liked this one a lot. Maybe even more after a couple days stewing on it. Saw this movie getting a lot of flack online. Don't overthink it, don't...
Mustard tricks BOSS yet again, in "The Crying Game" [IMG]
Great. Another uncanny valley Disney movie remake. Don't know why they don't just stick with the traditional animation. Ungodly.
Yeah, this was pretty good. Not great, but decent. Workmanlike.
Cats don't have jobs, or even a green card. They got Obama phones and vote for libs though. Fuckin' freeloaders!
Sounds like some liberal indoctrination bullshit trying to sell me on commie health care and identity politics.
Yeah, but they were mostly boring caricatures, and the killings were fairly uncreative.
This was not good. Disappointing coming from the guy who made "Nightcrawler". The bones of something interesting was there, and the art direction...
Fuckers everywhere touting poor man's Wes Welker as a no doubt future Hall of Famer all of a sudden. Nice little player, but c'mon. Isaac Bruce,...
Man, both D's played lights out. If anything hurt the Rams defense, it was the Rams offense not being able to keep them off the field for any...
Worst brag ever.
Black people be like this..............................and WHITE people be like.................that......... Right Walter?
Lazy cunt
I've also never seen a band or musical artist in concert more then once. Granted, I haven't been to a ton of concerts. I just realized that. Weird.
Panchy, even though he's tried his best to make you think he doesn't. Panchyism 101 "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear...
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Ivan Drago in "Rocky IV". "Remember Apollo, when I promised to kill you last? I lied."
Brad Pitt in "There Will Be Blood". on the flip side Daniel Day Lewis as the stoner on the couch in "True Romance". Not that he couldn't pull...
Yup. Yeah, please don't ruin the purity of ideas that is ....................The Fast And The Furious franchise?????? [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.