I guess he's lucky he wasn't bitten by a little boy giving him fellatio, huh? Sakio Kid Cocksucker Bika is a cool nickname and all, but it...
Groves' article is too long. Eder Gonzalez vs Juan Coggi I needs to be seen to be believed. And even then it's hard to believe.
The card will be replayed on regular sports channels later in the month.
Punch stats mean a lot. Unless they don't. HBO does spin them unabashedly, but that's a problem with HBO and not punch stats. Hmmm...HBO being...
Is boxing on HD noticeably better?
I meant dangerous in the literal sense. Like Margarito or Cintron are more dangerous than Floyd at 147. Better? Different question with likely...
Calzaghe proves that Kessler is beatable, but his (calz's) style is so unique I'm not sure it is relevant to a Kessler/Toney fight. I don't think...
Yes. (who was the other fighter?) Fighters/People say shit they don't mean all of the time. You believe everything a fighter says? Ever listen to...
Kessler would have beat the living shit out of Toney at 168. For reference, look at how well Toney did against Johnson, Tiberi, Jones,...
So Benn says he didn't want to fight him and now it's everyone? (And to think that Benn wouldn't have fought Roy is crazy, despite what he has...
Good post. As far as the OP, Calzaghe didn't seem slower or sloppier at all, imo. Hell, I think he was at least as fast as usual and probably...
Hasn't Oscar been through enough without someone now pointing out that his legs aren't even manly anymore? It's just gotten mean.
Agree. Dawson's only hope is to drop down to 168 and cross the pond. I think he can and would do both, but he'll have to do some selling to make...
Tonight he didn't because his stuff didn't work on Calzaghe. There are 39 more fights to watch and it won't take many of them to understand why...
Disgraceful. That's the first time I know of Showtime spoiling a result on HBO. I thought they were above that bullshit. and speaking of...
This fight was at the level of Eubank Benn 2 which is a very big compliment from me. The announcers don't get it. Kessler can beat Joe and of...
Dawson is a handful for anyone and Hopkins has a magic way of getting his style to work. Calz is the pick over Hopkins, though. Not sure if the...
I need a new theory.
R12 nice left by joe..kess gets some really heavy stuff off huge uppercut by kess, but joe okay and answers back joe just never gets discouraged...
R11 nice left by kess to start..not hard good stuff...both doing good nice right by kess joe getting confident now..getting his hands down and...
R10 nice jab by joe nice combo by joe..kess tries to answe rwith a nice left kess try8ing to land big stuff and lands a nice left again joe...
R9 joe gettin g off more..good counte rby kess joe comes forward with lots of cal slop kess misses a coup0le of big rights joe landing; kess not...
R8 vey good stuff..kess more aggressive..doingdamage even when not clean of course joe not hurt kess really trying hard..huge stuff here joe...
interesting...i didn't think joe did much at all in r6 r7 kess short a few punches.. nice combo by joe and two more punches later kessle rtires to...
R6 nice counter jab by kess to start anothe nice jab niethe rwinning the foot war...always toe to toe nice right to body by kessle nice left by...
R5 trading jabs in middle joe gets off his left but short kess tries the uppercut again..mostley blocked, but then kessle missed a big wide combo...
R4 calz gets off again.. kess now coming forward..nice stuff from kess after calz landed a few no one hurt huge uppercut by kessler..manny says...
R3 they trade shots...kessle rgoes down when toes get stepped on..no kd nice right by kies and again.. calz comes in goofy and lands some...
R2 calz getting off again...he is landing, but soft... calz doing his herky jerky stuff...kessler has landed some counters, but nothing too hard.....
man, do i love this fight... R1: Calz aggressive right away..Kessler looks him over...calz lands a not so great left to the body... middle of...
Separate names with a comma.