Ward is EXCELLENT...He CARRIES Bradley in REED's Opinion, But in a Lowkey, Diplomatic Way... Bradley IS a Top Rank Shill for Sure and he Also...
"That's Because Laila was Fighting Soccer Moms and Strippers; I was Fighting REAL Fighters" - Claressa Shields... Laila Ali - 24-0, 21 KO's...6...
Shields is a MOUTHY, OPINIONATED Bitch That Almost Always has Something INTERESTING to Say...Similar to Ronda Rousey in THAT Way, Sans the Pouty...
Claressa Shields is MORE Skilled than Shawn Porter for Certain... Clearly, She's NOT Lomachenko, Bud or Canelo, but it's Pretty Obvious You...
Accent Aside, Lennox Really IS Shit in Terms of Commentary...He's Neither Quick Witted NOR the Least Bit Insightful, Despite the Obvious Level of...
Claressa's a FIGHTER Bruh, Not an Opportunist... Her BOXING Legacy is Much More Important to Her than Fame, CookBooks or Being on Oprah's Network...
To REED's Knowledge, They're Still Negotiating and w/That Said, What Happens if Claressa Says Cool to 30% and Laila Changes Her Mind...
REED Didn't Ask, Nor Does he Give a Fuck WHY Things Didn't Work Out w/Esparza, Bruh...Just Pointing Out the FACT You were Much More Optimistic...
Self Promotion ASIDE, This is Probably THE Briefest Synopsis of it All...For Real... [MEDIA]
It's Reasonable for Laila to Expect "More", but 70% of EVERYTHING???:Dont:... REED:Hammer
You Say That As If Laila was Bringing In Million Dollar Purses Every Fight:Dont:...Or Even 1 Fight... Laila's Highest Take by Faaaaaaaaaaaaar was...
agREED... 'Fimo's Backed Up His Tough Talk, @ Least...Seems More GENUINE In His Boasts/Predictions Also, Whereas Tank, KingRy and Dev Are TRYING...
Huh???...:duck: There's $12-$15mil in the Pot...Claressa is Offering a GUARANTEE of $5mil Apiece, w/the WINNER Getting the Remaining...
Ann Wolfe Wasn't "Horrible"...Neither was Lucia Rijker...Neither is Claressa Shields... But By All Means, Proceed! REED:Hammer
Showtime Championship Boxing Would Care, as Would Jaron "Boots" Ennis... REED:Hammer
"Zero Interest"???:duck: There's Already $15mil on the Table from Investors, Laila's just Demanding 70% of It... REED Gets It; You Don't Like...
OUTSTANDING Idea Brother Billeh!!!... Damn!:Cowboy: Will Do This Also... REED:cheers:
Excellent Lead Slice! I'll Check it Out Bruh... Joe Will Be Thrilled Enough by the Weigh-In Clip...Might Have a Fucking Heart Attack If/When I...
This is MORE Than REED Had...Very Appreciative for This Find Brother Billeh!!! REED:Elmo:
agREED... Relatively Even After 5-6 Rounds, Loma Asserted his Dominance in the Back Half...Was Beating Russell Up a Bit Late and Would Have...
Valid Question... It'll IMPACT Careers for Certain...Some Guys Could Let Their Bodies Go to Shit, Others Could Become Ever Fuuuurther Removed...
Bumping This Because it's Joe Cokes' Birthday, Damnit!!!... Can the Search Resume, Por Favor???...REED'll Cover ALL Costs, Just Need to Know Who...
Correct REED if He's WRONG, But He's Always Figured You were White, mikE?:Dont:... ASSuming that's the Case, White Folks Typically Have THICKER...
REED Would Only SLIGHTLY Favor Haney Over Luke Campbell @ This Point...55-45, 60-40 Fight in REED's Opinion... Haney Isn't Ready for Loma OR Josh...
Speaking of Stuttering, Floyd Sr. was Removed from Haney's Corner Because of "Communication" Issues... REED:duck:
Separate names with a comma.