What "Bader Thing"???... REED:Dont:
WOW!!! :eek: Didn't Know That... Not Sure What's Worse; DUCKING a Man Outright OR Literally Begging for Mercy/Offering to Pay the Superior...
There's Footage of Mercer Talking to Ferguson, But w/Out the Fighters or Ref Being Mic'ed it's Impossible to Say w/CERTAINTY What Mercer was...
Yep... That was Soooooooooo Bad it Was Investigated Right???.... REED:Jest:
What was Marquez's Equivalent of Dela, Tito and JC Vasquez???... All Younger, Taller, Loooonger, Stronger, Harder Punching Men than a Clearly...
agREED... Great, Skilled, Fan-Friendly Fighter But Marquez was CLEARLY "Joe Frazier" to Manny Pacquiao's "Muhammad Ali"...Pernell Whitaker's...
If True, This is Even MORE Egregious Than Doub's CONFIDENT Pre-Fight ASSertion WHOlio Gonzalez Would Beat Roy Jones... Of Course, Doub's SINCE...
Context Bruh... Coming into that Fight, People Thought HIGHER of John Tate than Larry Holmes, Believe it or Not... Tate DESTROYED Duane Bobick,...
Zab vs. Baldomir... John Tate vs. Mike Weaver... REED:Confused: :Facepalm:
Did he Google "English Publishers"?.... REED:Elmo:
Boxing Book???... What's it Called???...Available in English???... REED:Dont:
You're Not Reaching @ All in Your Last Sentence and NO ONE Was More Acutely Aware of How to Manipulate Race and Boxing for FINANCIAL Gain Than Don...
Could Have Been a Don King Related SLIGHT Or It Could've Been NATHAN, Who Knows???:Dont:... REED's Pretty Sure Holmes was Introduced PRIOR to...
@ The Time There was Only WBA/WBC...Ali was Undisputed Champ... After Spinks Beat Ali, Becoming Undisputed Champ, He was Stripped of the WBC...
Not Sure Why Specifically, But the Fact Norton Never Actually BEAT Anyone for the WBC Title Probably Had Something to Do w/It. A Former “World...
[IMG] REED:duck:
REED Questions if Canelo Could WITHSTAND the Incoming Though, Staying @ Close Range Looooooooooooong Enough to Make a Concerted Effort @ Attacking...
Yeah, Qawi Would Be Doing a LOT of Sadistic Ass, Jailhouse Grinning That Night... REED:Hammer
Only 1 in This Trio Canelo is Even REMOTELY Competitive w/Is Saad... And By "Competitive", REED Means Canelo Starts Quickly, Pieces Saad Up...
In Terms of All-Star Caliber Players, REED Would Definitely Keep an Eye on Embiid in This Regard...He's a Bit Heavy AS IS, In REED's Opinion......
Lemieux's Never Been a "Top" Guy @ '60 in REED's Opinion and While Derevyanchenko Might NOW Be Considered One, he Wasn't Prior to Facing GGG......
Undoubtedly, 1 of the LEAST Ambitious Elite Level Fighters in Recent Memory... "Legacy Don't Pay Bills", REED Guesses...Hard to Believe DAZN...
:duck: REED:Hammer
Separate names with a comma.