dsimon writes: Cosign on this... I feel the exact same way. God please let me be wrong!!!! Let Pavlok rid us of this cunt!!!! But rationally I...
dsimon writes: I bet.:bears:
dsimon writes: Come in Hanzy!!! Back to the photos in question... weigh in.
dsimon writes: My apologies. I understand why you divided as you did... Thanks to Jake's post. Fair enough.
dsimon writes: I am waiting for you to weigh in Hanzy!! :dunno: What gives?
dsimon writes: Sorry but Witherspoon should have been named. Hes my favorite of that group.
dsimon writes: You come off as somoene who might go to a stripper but know nothing about them beyond that... Maybe you like to SEE them as a...
dsimon writes: You are clueless my friend, on this issue totally clueless. You are pontificating from a point of ignorance and it is time for...
dsimon writes: I calls em as I sees em. No I don't think Areola is better... but he does have more natural size. Depending on the long and...
dsimon writes: That article was funny as shit Jooney. It may have been in poor taste though.
dsimon writes: Ohhh yeah. I was wondering and now I remember where I saw the guy. Speaking to the comments on this thread: It takes a lot...
dsimon writes: Damn I got to find out who I called a puff. Hope it wasn't the stinger, or someone else with a good left.:lol:
dsimon writes: Did you hear the Hatton poke about his 6 year old son Doc? That one was priceless.:lol: :lol:
dsimon writes: Sorry Jake!:dunno: How was I to know? :lol:
dsimon writes: I am a Mayweather fan but I don't care who wins this fight because I also like Hatton; Floyd is my favorite of the two. When...
dsimon writes: Jesus Jooney.:lol: :lol:
dsimon writes: Earner what do you think, is it him? Hanzy has been mute on the subject.
dsimon writes: Oh stop being a puff jake:lol: (whatever that is Hatton called Floyd it a few times). Sure he used some foul language but he set...
dsimon writes: :bears: Cosign. Both guys are trying to do their thing for the camera to sell the fight. Totally correct about Floyd. When he...
dsimon writes: :lol: :lol: "Lets piss onure shoes for Ricky hes my mate!"
dsimon writes: :laughing: :laughing: :lol: Hatton is a smart guy!! He had me rolling. The six year old comment was exceptional in its...
dsimon writes: When did I say I never dressed up as a big girly man Hanzy?
dsimon writes: Maybe Bernard longing for the days of his wayward consequences wanted that special kind of girl one only finds in a prison...
dsimon writes: It is a tricky issue Kevin...imo. There is an element of hyper-political correctness associated with this issue where one should...
dsimon writes: Fucker!!:flip: :doh: :lol:
dsimon writes: Frank is a classic... LoL
dsimon writes: :lol: :lol: Oscar is exploring his feminine side.
dsimon writes: FRankly the Dimpimpel Double L scrap was more captivating mr Frank Cappachino!!:tease: :lol:
dsimon writes: He is even more infuriating when he is correct isn't he Double? See Dim pimpel, when he was on my shit about Stevenson... I...
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