Cotto against Abdullaev in the amateurs. Nice try, but nobody beats a prime Abdullaev.
Rightch you are bruv. :cheers: :roper: That's why I flagged Lomachenko after his fight with Sosa the corn-fed simian.
I didn't stray off topic for once, I just misread "Battling" for "Brian". :Facepalm:
Well fuck it. Why wouldn't Helenius be your best ever? :Dont: He'd pop Brian Nelson for one ^ ... 'the pasty' was a smirking crook, master of the...
Pffft.... Daphne Spence had to hit the 'emergency button' rapidly, when scary circumstances were getting a bit too much for him. When Porter's...
Love to hear a beat to that paragraph in your lower signature mate. :cheers: French instructions, but made right here in Adelaide.
Yeh, sad, it was in a big tent,.. a big, pop-up makeshift tent that one. Presumably to keep Great Britain's colored fighters out of proper...
Speaking of Shawn Porter's many victims. He split Berto's skull straight down the center like an axe, had Berto slurring about headbutts and...
:Mad1: This the jihadi you and Godfather knackered in the offtopics -> discovers rotten John finally took it seriously in 99' but with 8 sets of...
Joshua always beats Wlad too, my pet. As does Wilder, and Fury obviously,.. as does Porter just quietly, but Joseph Parker,... na please come...
:eek: !!!!......Exhuming emaciated bullpuffin,.. I was 12, …deserved to die, and I did, gracefully. The right to forget, the right to forget....
Well, well, well..... that's what we call.....state sponsored doping. Russhaaaa!!!!!!!!
The UFC,.. oh dear, some kiwi is scheduled to fight, and the UFC be like, Australia!....Australia!...... "GET BEHIND YOUR BOY YEAH!" …. How did...
Except, Carlos Maussa would take the cyst off the shots with his swivelling spine. This guy's got everything else going for him you'd do well to...
I wonder how strong an Olympic wrestler like DC would be today, had he been taking east-german steroids and kicking it with powerlifters for the...
The girl who made that - is she the one with the uni-brow who shot herself outside of youtube headquarters? If yes then...….. subtle, subtle,...
Well that's why I decided to put a deer in my avatar, just to be sure people can see what it is.
Nicked that last line from you (with apologies)… but yeah, 'justice served' under the jurisdiction of the commission,…..this bout reminded me of...
He'll have to wait for Kovalev to wake up first. That boy waz woooooozi last I remember.
Pacquioa was stopped by a jab,.. then spent most of the latter half of his career walking through flush middleweight haymakers. In the end,...
You do half a Ronald Wright high-guard when yer take a puff,...
:emoji_deer: I's reckon he might have enough to make Benn quit, that boy could be a bit temperamental, a bit 'Polish' if you will. A trickle of...
"Uzcat" and "Plant" …. never heard of them, can't be fucked looking them up. Whomever you prefer to win, I hope wins Xplosive.
You well knows the commission's a wolf whistler. Failing a drug test in professional boxing is nothing more than an administrative error. Plain...
He kept doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it until eventually USADA legalised it. That press conference was like a coming out party, a...
I read that turinabol was responsible for all them ridiculous east-german world records back in the day,.. Congratulations Jon,......we've...
The music. Don't stop the music.:emoji_deer: !
Hopefully the BBC wont give you a line-up of caricatures to pick,... or Reed'll go home with a tape of "Beefy" Botham as it were. :emoji_deer:
Tszyu and Abdullaev quit, Mosely was exposed for steroids, Paul Williams spine snapped, Jermaine Taylor got brain damage and Margarito rigged his...
Civilised diplomacy is the way you settle a dispute, especially between women.
Separate names with a comma.