This whole story is HALL OF SHAME worthy. What a stupid cunt AM is. (1) Wow guess what you didn't. (2) HMM...they did and your still posting. Then...
Sure you could beachball. :atu:
There are many people with licensed unconcealed weapons that I wouldn't worry about. However if you are so insecure that you have to have a gun on...
He's isn't packing but a 5 incher. He could just put it where his penis is supposed to be. Pointing out of course to impress the ladies.
This is BS. I thought you were a lethal weapon. Only scared little bitches walk around with guns in their pockets.
You'd be suprised at how far the bold goes toward getting out of a ticket. Most cops make it a point not to write military or even ex-military...
:shit: The last 3 days have been the most joyful days of your life. You have done nothing but burn the keyboard down starting pac threads in...
My point was that I thought, as well as a few others did, that people were getting carried away with their rankings. I personally know you won't...
Quick inventory the vegatables (especially the mini carrots) from the crisper. No wonder your not getting any PUDGY.
Coming from my fat little ninja stalker. Did you get your ovaries removed yet?
Is it?
Not trying to take away from his glory here. Just wondering. Manny has been Ko'd twice early in his professional carreer to guys that went on...
As though you have any room to talk, but hey your a CARTOON. STUPID.
I mean what I Posted.
Lets say that a judge or the "powers that be" decide to make an example out of this guy. He could get 10 years in jail for defacing a monument....,134737 Jeff Monson is either really...
I don't think many people are selling new cars at great profits right now. You would be surprised at how strict and assholish judges are with...
I had no idea Petre twisted her arm and made her tell these lies. BAD PETRE. :doh: Damned what a dumb bitch if its true.:doh: PITTSBURGH – A...
:laughing: Your enjoying that lol.
:laughing: Come on man. Half his circle was wiped out building an anti-personell bomb... including his girlfriend at the time. That tells you...
When your building "anti-personell bombs" and you lose personell... tough shiat. He bears as much the blame as anyone. If I was the head of an...
I HONESTLY CAN"T BELIEVE SOMEONE THAT GETS THIS HOT UNDER THE COLLAR IS A MOD. You have absolutely not one foot to stand on calling anyone...
You should tell this to Ted Gold, Ayers close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers' girlfriend, Diana Oughton. :doh: You can't because they are all dead.
:boohoo: Wow you missed half the thread ....take the rest of the thread off.
I personally could see Ayers being labeled a former terrorist. [In 1970 he "went underground" with several associates after the Greenwich...
He shot a campaign contributer. :cheer:
Same prediction as a few months ago.....Pavlik KO6.
Go to the weigh in picture for the Tito fight now imagine him losing 14 lbs...with his frame.... within the next few months. DLH would look...
Separate names with a comma.