anyone else find this funny in a really inappropriate way? dunno if the dude was black, but if so than wtf was he thinking
silva has been subbed by a flying heel hook before :cheer:
i love the token gesture of the obama sig to show that you arent racist
you are a racist and i have proof, i found a picture of you at one of your "rallies": [IMG]
we should start making roy jonesisms instead of chuck norrisisms ill start according to quantum mechanics, roy jones can actually check hook...
as a side note i saw sonnen on fox and friends the other morning, dudes running for congress or some shit in oregon
what surprises me the most about this is the revelation that floyd can actually do math
i think alot of how this fight plays out depends on if floyd can hurt shane, if he can put some damage on him with his punches he can then do some...
mosley by late round TKO :partie:
i think marquez needs to be tested for PEDs i figured out his rouse he takes the drugs then gets rid of the evidence, by drinking his own piss...
you check out
lets get hope he doesnt get knocked out from any microphone feedback that may happen
didnt know that, still though, thats more than floyd has probably ever done (outside of wrestlemania, which surely didnt endear him to folks, he...
pac is def more mainstream and bigger draw, for sure dude was on the cover of time magazine or some shit
i dont think this has anything to do with pac being afraid it more than likely has more to do with the normal jockeying for leverage, fighters...
this is ridiculous pac shouldnt have to do something thats never been asked of another fighter in history on the other hand, he could agree...
the last UFC ppv had some good fights mir-kongo guida-florian the belcher fight even the penn-sanchez fight wasnt half bad
really? i thought it was terrible, except for marisa tomei
yeah think alexander was 208 and kimbo was 212ish
watched the wrestler, thought it was terrible the only saving grace was that marisa tomei's titties were out for almost all her scenes
for a fat guy his cardio aint all that bad, plus dude is a top notch BJJ blackbelt, dude is no joke just because he dont look that pretty
that fat fucker would wipe his ass with you, after he ate and drank you under the table :lol:
WOW. HUGE right hand
FUCKING WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
perhaps but the dude has stellar bjj despite what you may think, roy is a tough fucker
maybe he trained his standup with chris brown
machida speaks ok english, dunno about rua
considering the shape titties showed up in id have thought him to look better
why not machida and shogun? or is their rematch too soon?
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