Mike: at least O'Connell admitted he messed up. Williams scored round five for Holy and then claimed her view was obstructed...until film showed...
It's not funny Gatti; she should never have been allowed to judge again. You heard it in Lennox's voice. Her still being allowed to judge is as...
I love the way EUGENIA Williams goes by Jean Williams now so people forget who that idiot piece of trash is.
Gatti: Don't totally agree with you but this fight sort of reminds me of the hellish nightmare it is to watch Toney-McCallum II and score it for...
Jake: Yeah. It's funny. I'd advertise one of my products too, but I can't wait for a GBP fighter to refuse a top contender and scream Ring title...
Soto might actually be winning this round by landing punches while Guz acts silly.
I missed the first two rounds so I'm not scoring...I forget how much fun it is to just watch sometimes. :)
Just ntoiced the Ring Mag patches on the canvas...boy, that brand is just all over HBO these days and last week they were really actually saying...
The only disappointment for me was that they glossed over Camacho-Mancini. Ray came back from a Leonard-like layoff and came very close to an...
This is gonna' be one of those fights where people scream robbery no matter who wins depending on how they're scoring.
Yeah, but at least he won. The Bramble fight was national news bad.
Yeah, Carr-Bramble...uugh.
I can agree with that but I don't know that I would call Carr or Campas 'prospects'. They were both contenders by that point, Carr moreso.
Most deserving was probably Whitaker after '93. When he beat McGirt for the welter title and then beat Chavez, he declared himself an all-time...
Tam: Looking only at 1996 skews what you're getting at; in 93 Tito destroyed Blocker and in 94 wasted Carr, Campas and Camacho. The Molsey win...
I thought before Cal-Kess that both would beat Pavlik and pretty much anyone else from 60-68; my opinion hasn't changed much. Pavlik though is...
Kessler TKO 11
Nice article and I agre with it for the most part.
I think Holy beats him still, but in a better fight. Would have changed a lot of things because those two in a rematch would have wound up in...
Yeah, back when he would come into fights with four-weight division advantages. He just never had enough all-around game to hang with the best...
I'd lean slightly twoards Toney, but Winky would give him hell and a handbasket.
Real World Jorge was proitect for a long time and Mijares showed why. He certainly has looked slower recently too.
Where does Callis write now?
Maybe, maybe not. That was Sturm's first real good opponent and he may have done even better in a return.
No, but he is still good enough to give a lot of guys a hard night. That's good enough for most guys. :)
No and I take it that would be my example. :) That said, he's been in some good ones since Oscar, including both JC fights and this one.
I thought this was a good fight. Griffin actually showed that's he's come along well and both fought their ass off. No one can accuse Sturm of...
Sly: What quality non-featherweight has Manny KO'd?
I'd also bet my house that Bob Arum ain't letting Manny anywhere near this kid until that fight is worth the max$ and he thinks Manny is about to...
Separate names with a comma.