Both top 5 all time Asian fighters.
Who wins? I say Pedroza whups Hamed's ass.
I think Lopez would've stopped Doub's boy late.
Who wins?
Mike didn't duck the question at all. He simply said that Atlas' version is a lie. Tyson probably gets sick of talking about Teddy, cause it...
"Jay Eff Kay, good President, great man... rich father, and Cus was never a father... not officially anyway. But ya know, funny thing... ya nevah...
Damn, now I miss the good ole days thinking bout guys like Jake, Donnybrook, Kid Dynamite, ect. There was a point where even Esk was a top...
Went by the alias SilverSurfer. He actually posted on Eastside in the mid 00s. I found him circa 99 or 00. Fucking awesome guy. I got bummed...
At this point, the vast majority of HBO fights have been uploaded to YouTube anyway. It's not like HBO is stopping anybody from doing so... their...
Cooper did the same on his lists, only I can't recall him listing too many negative opinions. For wars/epic KO's he'd just have parenthesis (great...
Brian Cooper had his fights listed in alphabetical order by fighter name, and I swear to God it seemed like he had every champion/contender/fringe...
Never heard of him, but hard to imagine he had as many fights as Cooper. That guy had EVERYTHING from everyone.
They're not useless if you buy a converter.
"Mike didn't wanna sign me as his trainer. So the next day I came back, and says... either your signature or your brains are gonna be on this...
The guy who had the biggest collection of fights on the net was Brian Cooper - who sadly died like 5 years ago. He was my main connect, and...
"So, one time... this is... not too long ago... I was approached by a pretty big, pretty famous building developer from New York. I won't mention...
The "Dee" stands for what Oscar likes up his ass.
This was like 2003 - before YouTube.
"Then in the 90s... this football player, pretty big, pretty famous, pretty charming football player approaches me. He says Teddy, I got this...
I'm actually really shocked that Atlas hasn't come forward to claim that it was him, not Frank Sheeran, whom the mob had whack Jimmy Hoffa. "Ya...
Teddy's version is that Mike (then 15) flirted with his (Teddy's) 11-year-old niece and grabbed her ass. That's why he put a gun to his head....
Here's Mike's account of why Atlas really pulled a gun on him: [MEDIA] At this point, we should ALL be inclined to trust Mike's version instead...
This story would be more believable if Atlas used some coddled, suburban boxer who has no concept of street fighting. Hector Camacho? LOL....
The only guy I ever bought fights from on this forum was (ironically enough) Kid Dynamite. To his credit, he got them over to me in timely...
He takes damn near 45 fuckin minutes just to get into the story. That's the amount of time it took to conjure up this fantasy. LOL @ Atlas...
I'm sure as Atlas was killing Hector to the body, he kept screamin "I'm puttin WATAH IN DAT BASEMENT!"
[MEDIA] And how fucking convenient, that Camacho can never give his side of the story... Teddy Atlas... a fighting legend in his own mind.
Lol. I'm willing to bet that Jake still reads the forum from time to time. Cupey? Who knows and who gives a shit.
Congrats, welcome back to a shell of the Fightbeat you knew from 12 years ago. We no longer take anything seriously around here (except Doub and...
Haney and Lopez wont be at 135 for long. Both guys are more natural for 140 than 135. Ryan Garcia will eventually be at 140 also. I cant see how...
Separate names with a comma.