The Amount of Money Miami Ponied Up for the Services of Suh and Tannehill and their LACK of Production Since, is Certainly NEAR the Top of the Dolphins List of Problems... REED
:: at lioness fans crying about wright knocking the ball out of bounds. silly rule that was irrelevant to the play. they are still crying about calvin johnsons TD against the bears getting taken away because he didnt adhere to the letter of the law and retain possession of the ball all the way to the ground. now they want the rule enforced to the letter of the law when it benefits them. hypocritical homos
Exactly. Looking at Tannehill specifically, he is right at the top of the problems because of that ridiculous 6 yr/$95 mil contract he signed in the off season. He is without question in the bottom 10 starting QBs in the league right now. That is not a guy worthy of a 95 million dollar QB. And reading some of the shit about him in practice or hearing it on the radio down here, the dude is a real douche. The coaches handling him with kid gloves in practice is likely a huge factor in the team's overall poor play.
Was at the Hawks game. While pretty low scoring, I had endzone/corner seats down low and all the action happened at that end, both TDs, 2 of the kicks and most importantly Calvin Johnsons epic fail perpetrated by Kams hand, which made it worth the price of admission.
Can someone clarify this, what should Wright have done? My understanding is that if he had tried to posess the ball, he either would have then gone down in end-zone, or accidentally knocked it out, so either way its a touchback anyways? Who gives a fuck, the better team won.
1nce Again, Seattle's DEFENSE Bails Them Out. Russell Wilson Tried his Best to CHOKE the Game Away in the 4th Quarter, but the Defense, ie., the STRENGTH of the Team, Wouldn't Allow it... REED
Obviously the Hawks are a weaker version than the 43-8 Super Bowl winners. But you are focusing in the wrong place. Wilson is a VERY good quarterback, as his multiple team records and multiple NFL records suggest. He continues to make plays out of NOTHING, as he did last night on several drives. The fact is the Hawks STILL have an abyssmal O-line, and Wilson is not afforded anywhere near the pocket time of most other top QBs in the league. With Lynch out, and missing a difference maker in KAM to start the year, the Hawks are having a sluggish start. I expect them to come away with a winning record that should put them in the playoffs, but odds are against a 3rd consecutive Superbowl appearance. Fix the O-line though, and anything is possible.
It's the coaching, not the players. Bringing in someone like Suh, who dominated playing as a 1 gap lineman and making him play a 2 gap defense is terrible coaching. Having a predictable offense that throws screen pass after screen pass to the right side over and over again, while only running your 1000 yard running back a handful of times a game and mostly out of the shotgun is terrible coaching. Having your defensive backs plays 7 yards off the receiver on 3rd and short is terrible coaching. Throwing 3 yard passes on 3rd and long over and over again is terrible coaching. You might actually want to watch some of the games before commenting. TFK
In your Haste to Be a DICK, You Obviously Missed the Part Where your Fellow Dolphin Fan, Trplsec, agREED with REED.... Goes without Saying he's FORGOTTEN More about Football than You Could Fathom Ascertaining...Does he Need to Watch More Dolphin Games? As Such, Stick to Waving Pom Poms, Doing Message board Herky's and MISlabeling Average Ass QB's (At Best) as "2nd Tier"... REED
Neil, REED Never Used the Word "Mediocre", but it APTLY Describes Wilson's Level of Play in the 4th Quarter, Not to Mention his Effectiveness in Utilizing Jimmy Graham This Season... REED
No argument there. His 4th quarter was cringeworthy and he's failed to target a wide open 88 several times. He is still miles above 'mediocre' - posessing a skill and execution set that no other QB can touch.
wilson was loose with the ball in the fourth quarter but the bottom line here is most QBs in the league dont even finish that game let alone make the plays and put up the numbers wilson did. He was under pressure almost every single drop back behind that shitty o line. you seem fond of numbers, how did you like his numbers for the game?
Nothing I said was false. You can cry to Trp for help all you want, still doesn't change the fact that you have no clue what you're talking about. TFK
His Numbers were OK, NATHAN Earth Shattering Though... Only 1 TD, 2 4th Quarter Fumbles and a Clear INABILITY to Get the Rock to his BEST Receiving Threat, for 4 Fucking Weeks Now...There ISN'T a Top Tier QB in the League that'd Find it as DIFFICULT to Involve Jimmy Graham as Wilson's Making It... REED:hammert:
Uuuuh, REED ISN'T the 1 that FOOLISHLY Referred to Ryan Tannehill as "a 2nd Tier QB", Which is COMICALLY False...Clearly, the NFL DUNCE Cap Fits YOUR Head, Homey... REED:hammert:
Tannehill's numbers last year prove my statement. Hopefully the new coaching staff implements the changes needed for the offense to run at their full potential and don't hamstring Tannehill with nothing but the same few predictable plays over and over again. Had you actually watched any of the games, you'd know this. TFK
From what I read, the practice where this happened was a half speed walk through, and Tannehill got pissed because after making the interception, the practice squad player ran it back for a 'touchdown' while everybody else just stood and watched, because walkthroughs aren't the place for that. It's the equivalent of a baseball player rounding the bases after hitting a home run in batting practice. Just some 'writer' trying to make something out of nothing. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing if Campbell can turn this mess around. There's just too much talent on this team for them to be this bad. Hopefully Lazor and Coyle are gone as soon as possible too. TFK
You Keep PARROTING "Watch the Games", like You're the ONLY Motherfucker on Fightbeat w/NFL Sunday Ticket, or Something::...Ryan Tannehill Went to Texas A & M, Dude, a School REED's QUITE Familiar w/for the Better Part of 30 YEARS Now...REED Seriously Doubts there's ANYTHING of Substance You can Tell him about Tannehill he Doesn't Already Know... Again, the OTHER Resident Dolphin Fan, Who Also "Watches the Games", Says Tannehill is a "BOTTOM 10 QB" in the League, Right Now...REED's Never Heard ANYONE Suggest Tannehill's a "2nd Tier QB", or Close...Not Fans, Players, Coaches, Media, NOBODY...But YOU, that Is... Get OVER Yourself, Dude...Dance Around It All You Want, Be as Big of a PRICK as You Want in Response, but You're WRONG...PERIOD...Ryan Tannehill has NEVER Been a "2nd Tier QB"...Not Even After Last Year...The TRUE "2nd Tier" QB's Have Built their Cases on 3, 4, 5 (Or MORE) Seasons, w/As Good or BETTER #"s than Tannehill Managed in the LONE Year You're Pathetically Clinging To... You're WRONG... REED:hammert:
NATHAN Is Guaranteed for a Practice Squader, so REED Doesn't Blame a Guy for Running Back an INT from a Supposed "2nd Tier QB"... A BETTER Question is, WHY are Practice Squaders Making Plays Off of Tannehill in the 1st Place???...WHY is Tannehill Sooooooooooooooooo SENSITIVE; it's the NATIONALfuckingFOOTBALL LEAGUE???..WHY Would Tannehill Give a Practice Squader the Time of Day to Even Stoop LOW Enough to Be a Jerk and Say "Enjoy your Practice Squad Paycheck, Enjoy your Practice Squad Trophy"???...Instead of Being a PMS'ing FEMALE about It, Don't Turn the Rock Over to Fucking Practice Squaders, for Fuck's Sake... From What REED's Read, MORE than 1 Practice Squader Made a Play on Tannehill that Day AND he's Been a Brooding, Moping, Jay Cutler Level, Petulant CHILD Since the Season Started...But by All Means, DON'T Place Any Blame on Him.... REED:baa:
Again, the numbers prove I'm right, and you clearly haven't watched any of Miami's games this year, otherwise you would realize that. Either that, or you just don't understand what you're watching. And he's wrong, just like you are. It was a walkthrough at half speed. Running an INT back in that scenario is not only ridiculous, but wastes everybody's time. TFK
The Tannehill thing is tough for me because I WANT to be wrong. I want the dude to progress this season. My my problem is that he plays like all of his practices are "half speed". You look at the Jets game and he was functioning two speeds slower than the game speed. To me that adds credence to the claim that Tannehill is coddled in practice. You can't ask the Jets to go "half speed" so Tannehill can get his timing down so it should never be done in a practice with pads. I think further proof is in the fact that the Fins interim coach spent almost his entire introductory press conference talking about how making guys compete in every practice was a priority for him. Personally I want the entire coaching replaced. There is no doubt that the Fins primary issue is rooted in coaching and front office. But that doesn't mean a ton of blame doesn't fall on Tannehill. Look at the Jets game again as an example again. On one series the Jets ran the same exact nickel blitz 3 plays in a row and each time the corner ran unblocked at Tannehill. It's easy to blame the coaching staff for not adjusting but that's horseshit. Even High School QB's have the ability to shift or assign protection. Tannehill looked clueless. Regarding Tannehill's tier ranking among other QB's, I'm curious if anyone would rather have Tannehill over a guy like Andy Dalton or Stafford? I wouldn't. But I'm still hoping he gets there.
There ISN'T a Coach, Scout, GM, Player, Analyst, Color Commentator, Cheerleader, Concession Stand Worker OR Blind, Deaf and Dumb Fan, that Even REMOTELY Follows the NFL, That Would take Tannehill Over Those Guys... Other than TFK, that Is... It's Funny as Hell Watching Him Attempt to JUSTIFY the Absurdity of that "2nd Tier QB" Shit, Instead of Just ADMITTING he Overrated the Dude... REED:mj:
While Wilson is Clearly an ELITE QB in that Particular Regard, REED Thinks Aaron Rodgers is Slightly BETTER @ It... REED:mj:
Daaaayum!!! REED used elite and Russell Wilson in the same sentence!! Wilson will never get to elite level in some aspects, short pass game obviously due to his height restriction. He compensates though.
It's funny watching someone who shits on Russell Wilson but sucks off Johnny Manziel pretend they know the first thing about quarterbacks. TFK