I agree. It doesn't look good. In my gut, I think he probably loaded them. But there's no actual evidence. Either way, once is enough (vs. Mosley)... this cunt should have been banned for life.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sLSo8LUuBJ4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I don't think this fight will provide much clarity to the handwrap issue in the first fight. Too many issues to consider. If Cotto dominates Margarito, well you also have to take into account the wear and tear on Margarito from a long career, in addition to getting the living shit beaten out of him by Shane and Manny and a serious eye injury. If Margarito beats Cotto again, maybe he just has a psychological edge of beating him before. Possibly illegal wraps added to a stylistic advantage. Perhaps Cotto doesn't have the same hunger he did 3 years ago. Every fighter is different. If Cotto swells up again and looks all fucked up, it would lead to the conclusion that Margarito was clean in 2008. Well maybe his skin has gotten more sensitive and prone to swelling/cuts over the years and punishment. The only thing I can think of is if Cotto takes a lot of shots to the head and barely marks up. The other scenarios, there's too many other possibilities at play.
Team Margarito are extremely confident in a win. They are convincing me more then Team Cotto at this juncture. Also its hard to forget the image of the last fight where Cotto was pummeled to submission. Very rarely will a fighter comeback from that type pf beating and win the rematch. I hope Cotto wins but I have my doubts.
I know what the doctor said but what I SEE is Margarito is an ONE eye FIGHTER. It looks like he has a GLASS eye in there. A new lense from a "cataract" surgery wouldn't stop the eye from MOTION would it?
I just wonder how can someone use the same wraps with plaster of paris for another fight? The plaster is already dried by the second fight. You put the plaster of paris on initially because the liquid needed to start the hardening process will come during the course of the fight from either sweat, water or a combination of both. It's almost suggesting how someone could take the cast off from their broken hand and give it to someone else for their broken hand after they remove it. I still believe Margarito and his shitty trainer cheated their asses off and were caught. I hope Cotto beats the hell out of him. I've trained fighters and have wrapped hands several times. Even my novice amateurs could recognize if there was something wrong with their wraps if I screwed up.
I have never seen a 24/7 that has so clearly pitted good versus evil. If Cotto loses, I might cry. Margarito is morphing into a hideous gargoyle before my very eyes.