After Watching The Replay, Floyd Still Won "However..."

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by Father of Muzse, May 13, 2007.

  1. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    Jun 18, 2004
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    So quitting isn't disgraceful???

    Wow, you really make it too easy....
  2. Free Ike

    Free Ike WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Jake's Rule Violations: 3.5
    God, I hope not. This was one of the, if not the worst, Superfight in history. I know both fighters got rich but it was a disgraceful performance on both fighter's parts. Honestly, give me Tua/Lewis over this shit. This fight was on par with Barrera/Morales II the worst PPV fight in history.
  3. Free Ike

    Free Ike WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Jake's Rule Violations: 3.5
    No. Not when you have no business taking the fight to being with. You strike me as a fella who would back down from a small women. It takes balls to fight people bigger and stronger than you. I also used the word Quit incorrectly. I think there is honor in surrendering and not quitting. Oscar surrendered in a fight he was not going to win and he tried to win and was beaten down. FREITAS quitting on his stool is disgraceful.
  4. Erratic

    Erratic "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 14, 2003
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    Tyson-Holyfield II was the worst superfight ever.

    Trinidad-De La Hoya was worse than this too. At least they got the decision right and gave it to Mayweather.
  5. Free Ike

    Free Ike WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Jake's Rule Violations: 3.5
    I disagree. Tito/DLh was easier on the eyes to watch. Tyson/Holyfield II I have rewatched 10's of times. It was a great circus show. This fight was putrid. I will never watch it again. Never. About all one can say is thank gofd the man who won got the nod. The fight was garbage.
  6. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    Jun 18, 2004
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    This may be the most inane post I've ever read on this site..

    And by the way, trying to win would have involved getting back on his feet and fighting Bernard for the next 3 rounds.

    I'm just glad every fighter doesn't subscribe to your notion that it's OK to quit if you think you're going to lose and the opponent is really scary..

    What a momo...
  7. Free Ike

    Free Ike WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Jake's Rule Violations: 3.5
    I'd rather that than a fighter dying or being permanently injured. I have a European view of this sport. No need for people to die. Anyway, your dearth of intelligence reared its ugly head again. I made a distinction between quitting and surrendering. In MMA, if a guy has an armbar and is going to break your arm and you tap out, everyone just says oh well live to fight another day. I have no problem with Freitas quiiting against Corrales. He was getting fucked up. He surrendered. What he did against Diaz is disgraceful. The least you owe your fellow warrior is an official surrender. Freitas should have walked out and got flattened again and then took a 10 count. It is a distinction, but you have already proven you are not the brightest.It is a new distinction, winner by choke and I were discussing MMA/Boxing and I thought it was a worthy distinction.
    Last edited: May 14, 2007
  8. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    It's stupid to assume that Oscar quit. He might have, and he might not have. When Oscar fought Hopkins, he fought a tough fight, one that got him into a lot of trouble. He easily could have boxed Hopkins, tied him up on the outside and stunk up the joint, but he chose to trade with Hopkins on the inside. In his fight with Hopkins, he showed a lot more pure courage than he did against Trinidad or Mayweather.
  9. whiskey

    whiskey Czarcasm

    Nov 28, 2002
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    I know. We should just all agree that De La Hoya won and be done with it already.
  10. Erratic

    Erratic "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 14, 2003
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    Key Punches/Moments of The Fight:

    Round 1-

    2:30: Mayweather misses a leaping left hook, lands a right hand
    2:25: Mayweather lands a leaping left hook
    2:12: De La Hoya gets Mayweather on the ropes and lands some left hooks, but they are all low, or borderline low.
    2:00: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    1:35: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    1:23: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    0:17: De La Hoya lands a left hook to the nuts

    Round 1: Mayweather

    Round 2-

    2:34: De La Hoya misses two jabs, misses a left hook, misses a jab, Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    2:23: De La Hoya gets Mayweather near the ropes and misses two left hooks, misses a right, and misses another left hook. Mayweather leaps in with a left hook, but it appears that it's caught by De La Hoya's right glove (tough to see from the angle)
    2:05: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face, De La Hoya misses a right hand, but his follow up left hook lands and his jab lands.
    0:57: Mayweather retreating to the ropes, lands a grazing right hand, then takes a right to the body as he gets off the ropes, and then eats a De La Hoya jab that snaps his head back
    0:48: Mayweather lands a jab to the face

    Round 2: De La Hoya

    Round 3-

    2:47: Mayweather near the ropes, lands a "pull-counter" over De La Hoya's jab, De La Hoya walks through it and throws some left hooks to the body. Tough to tell from the angle if it lands, but it appears a couple land under Mayweather's elbow, and a third lands on the beltline.
    2:35: De La Hoya lands a straight left to the face as Mayweather gets off the ropes. Mayweather continues to retreat and De La Hoya attacks, but nothing legal lands (right to the back, low blow with a left). Mayweather lands a short right uppercut on the inside.
    2:21: De La Hoya attacks Mayweather on the ropes, but nothing except a right hand to the back lands. Mayweather lands a short right hand to the body in return.
    2:13: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    1:52: Mayweather lands a short left hook to the face
    1:18: Mayweather lands a left jab to the body
    0:55: Mayweather lands an overhand right to the head
    0:44: Mayweather lands another overhand right to the head
    0:25: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    Right before bell: Mayweather lands a leaping left hook to the head

    Round 3: Mayweather

    Round 4-

    2:52: De La Hoya lands a left jab to the head
    2:44: De La Hoya lands a left hook to the head of a retreating Mayweather. De La Hoya tries to follow up but Mayweather slips and blocks the shots while getting off the ropes.
    2:26: Mayweather lands a leaping left hook to the head
    2:18: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    2:06: De La Hoya throws a combo, tough to tell from the angle if they're landing, but the final left short hook lands. Mayweather smiles and lands a left jab to the face
    1:08: De La Hoya presses Mayweather to the corner, Mayweather holds De La Hoya's right hand, De La Hoya lands about eight left hooks to the body and beltline with his free hand. Lampley forgets that De La Hoya has always been a good bodypuncher and acts like it's something new for him to go to the body.
    0:58: De La Hoya lands a left jab to Mayweather on the ropes, Mayweather slips the follow up right hand and blocks the left hook and avoids another right. Mayweather throws a right hand but his head is in the way so we can't see if it misses or lands. Mayweather throws a left-right, but it doesn't appear to get through De La Hoya's guard.

    Round 4: De La Hoya

    Round 5-

    2:45: De La Hoya lands two low blow/borderline lefts, misses a left uppercut, Mayweather misses a right hook and throws a left hook (hard to tell if it lands or not), misses a right hand, left jab to the body lands, right hand to De La Hoya's head lands.
    1:39: Mayweather lands a short right hand to the body and a short left hook to the body, right hand to the body hits De La Hoya in the back
    1:28: Mayweather misses a left uppercut, but lands a straight right to De La Hoya's head
    1:22: [​IMG]
    0:48: Mayweather on the ropes, De La Hoya misses a jab, lands a right hand to the back, short left hook to the beltline, grazing left hook to Mayweather's head, Mayweather bends to the side to avoid De La Hoya's follow up, but one right hand by De La Hoya lands nicely.
    0:38: Mayweather tries to sneak a right hand around De La Hoya's guard, if it lands it's only grazing, left hook lands to De La Hoya's face, straight right hand goes between De La Hoya's gloves and catches him in the face

    Round 5: Mayweather

    Round 6-

    2:10: Maywather in the corner as De La Hoya flurries. Left, right, left, left all land around the beltline. Mayweather slips the left uppercut, right hand, left hook, and the right hand hits Mayweather in the back of his neck.
    2:02: Maywether right hand lands around the top of De La Hoya's head
    1:35: De La Hoya lands a left jab to the face
    1:05: Mayweather bends down to his side to avoid a De La Hoya jab, then takes a solid right hand to the face from De La Hoya. Mayweather smiles and misses two shots in return.
    0:54: Mayweather misses straight right hand, then lands his left hook as De La Hoya is pulling his head back
    0:48: De La Hoya lands a left jab that snaps Mayweather's head back

    Round 6: De La Hoya
  11. Erratic

    Erratic "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 14, 2003
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    Round 7-

    2:34: Mayweather on the ropes, De La Hoya lands a left hook to the body, left hook to the head is blocked, straight right looks like it sneaks through Mayweather's guard and hits him in the face. De La Hoya misses a right hand, misses two left hooks, lands a right hand to Mayweather's face.
    2:24: De La Hoya throws 4 straight jabs to the body, 3 of them landing around the chest of Mayweather and pushes him back into the ropes. Mayweather avoids the flurry from De La Hoya while in the corner.
    1:33: De La Hoya lands left solid jab to the face that snaps Mayweather's head back.
    1:29: De La Hoya lands jab to the face, not quite as solid as the previous one as Mayweather was beginning to move his head back before it landed
    1:12: Mayweather misses a left uppercut, follow up straight right catches De La Hoya high on the head, but not flush. Mayweather throws two overhand rights while up close, the first misses but the second lands on De La Hoya's head.
    0:54: De La Hoya misses a wild right hand, Mayweather counters with a low/borderline (?) blow with his right hand. Kenny Bayless warns Mayweather. Mayweather lands a left hook to the right side of De La Hoya's body where the black protector is, and misses a left hook upstairs.

    Round 7: De La Hoya

    Round 8-

    2:32: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    2:11: De La Hoya lands a jab to Mayweather's face as Mayweather goes to the ropes. De La Hoya misses a right hand and Mayweather counters with a right hand to the face. De La Hoya lands a right to Mayweather's back, a short right to the ribs, misses with the right upstairs, Mayweather a grazing left and grazing short right to De La Hoya's head.
    1:44: De La Hoya lands a clean jab as Mayweather misses with the right, Mayweather responds with a right hand to De La Hoya's head.
    1:34: Mayweather misses a left uppercut, follow up straight right hand lands on De La Hoya's face, Mayweather backs up and lands a left jab to De La Hoya's face.

    Round 8: Mayweather

    Round 9-

    2:30- De La Hoya lands a jab to the face as Mayweather throws his own jab. It appears that Mayweather's jab also lands, but De La Hoya's is more authoritive.
    2:15- Mayweather lands a jab to the body (borderline low, but Oscar's protector is high) and a looping right hand to De La Hoya's ear over a low left hand.
    2:00- De La Hoya throws a double jab, to the body and head. Body jab appears to miss but jab to the head lands.
    1:52- Mayweather misses a left uppercut and misses straight right, follow up straight right to the head lands, left hook to the head lands, right hook misses, left to the body appears blocked and straight right hand misses.
    1:37- De La Hoya lands jab to the head.
    1:18- De La Hoya lands jab to the head
    1:10- De La Hoya gets Mayweather to the ropes and the crowd goes nuts as Oscar flurries, but none of the flurry lands.
    0:53- Mayweather lands a grazing looping right hand around De La Hoya's guard
    0:49- Mayweather lands jab to body and a right to the body (glove hits beltline and skin)
    0:45- Mayweather lands right hand to the side of De La Hoya's head
    0:25- Mayweather darts in with a straight right and lands a grazing shot to De La Hoya's head.

    De La Hoya's jabs aren't enough to take the round. Making it 10-10 is rather generous to De La Hoya.

    Round 9: Mayweather

    Round 10-

    2:30: Mayweather retreating to the ropes, De La Hoya misses a right hand, misses two left hooks, short right hand lands on Mayweather's face.
    2:20: Mayweather throws a double jab to De La Hoya's face, the first comes up short but the second jab lands. Mayweather waits a couple seconds and lands another jab to De La Hoya's face.
    1:54: Mayweather lands a left jab to De La Hoya's face
    1:00: Mayweather lands a short right uppercut to the face on the inside.
    0:26: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face.
    Right before bell: Mayweather lands a counter right to the face after De La Hoya misses a right hand

    Round 10: Mayweather

    Round 11-

    2:45: Mayweather lands a left hook to the body on the inside that appears to have De La Hoya momentarily doubled over, but on second look it might just be a balance thing as De La Hoya was moving his right foot at the time of impact.
    2:31: Mayweather throws a left jab to the body, then lands a right hand to the head
    2:24: Mayweather lands right hand potshot, second right hand is blocked, third right hand goes around De La Hoya's glove and appears to just graze his head, Mayweather lands a left jab to the body and another right hand to De La Hoya's head
    2:02: Mayweather again uses the left jab to the body, right hand to the head combo, this time the right hand is only grazing.
    1:45: Mayweather uses the left jab to the body, right hand to the head combination twice and they work both times.
    1:00: Mayweather lands two pecking jabs to De La Hoya's face.
    0:10: De La Hoya lands solid right hand to Mayweather's face on the ropes.

    Round 11: Mayweather

    Round 12-

    2:38: Mayweather misses a left hook upstairs, throws left hook downstairs (unable to tell from the angle if it lands), misses right hand to the head.
    2:25: Mayweather misses right hand to the head, left hand does not land, right hand to the shoulder, left jab lands to the De La Hoya's face. Mayweather lands a short straight right hand as they fall into a clinch
    1:51: Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    1:46: De La Hoya throws a shoe-shine combo to Mayweather's body. Right to the back, left to the belt line, right to the ribs, left to the ribs, right to the back. After they have some distance, Mayweather lands a left jab to the face
    1:23: Mayweather throws two jabs to the face, first one lands, second misses.
    1:16: Mayweather lands a left jab to the body (low blow), right hand to the head lands. Mayweather backs up and throws two jabs, first misses, second one lands (barely).
    0:54: Mayweather lands left jab to the face
    0:45: Mayweather on the ropes, De La Hoya misses a right hand, none of his follow-up flurry visibly lands, maybe a body shot or two on the shoeshine but Kenny Bayless is in the way.
    0:10: Mayweather and De La Hoya trade, only punch of note that lands is a right hand for De La Hoya.

    Round 12: Mayweather

    Rounds 1, 3, 5, 8-12: Mayweather
    Rounds 2, 4, 6-7: De La Hoya
    Mayweather 116-112
  12. Explosivo

    Explosivo Undisputed Champion

    Jan 10, 2006
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    I just watched the entire fight today,...and I have to say that even though I don't like Floyd, or the way he worst he won 8 outta 12. And DLH gave a damn good account. Nobody else in the world would have done any better against PBF
  13. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    Now HERE'S a man that knows how to score a fight. Exactly my card!
  14. Dollar-Fifty78

    Dollar-Fifty78 Leap-Amateur

    Jan 15, 2007
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    No this just means neither of you can score a fight.
  15. Erratic

    Erratic "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 14, 2003
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    What did Oscar do to win rounds 3 and 5?
  16. mikE

    mikE "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jul 20, 2004
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    And, as I remember, dlh had won 3 or 4 rounds against hopkins out of the he quit? Doesn't add up.
  17. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    The amount of rounds won, has no bearing on whether a fighter quit or not. If That were the case frietas would have never quit against Corrales..he was well up on points.

    Ocar was winning a couple early rounds only because Bernard had started too slow. The moment Hopkins stepped it up it was man against boy and Oscar knew he was in deep water.

    Oscar quit in my opinion.
  18. CleanYourClock

    CleanYourClock "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Yeah he quit because Floyd said he quit .. :lol:

    And you know , you can't disagree with Floyd .. :nono:
  19. Father of Muzse

    Father of Muzse Undisputed Champion

    Sep 30, 2006
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    Can you explain how all three judges scored the 6th for Floyd?


    It's a draw if that round is scored correctly. How could all three judges miss that one?

  20. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    I said he quit, on these forums, immediately after the fight...long before I heard Floyd say it.
  21. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    They were wrong.

    However...they certainly scored rounds for Oscar which they shouldn't have..IMO, 2 of them gave him round 12 for example.

    Oscar won 2,4,6 and 7...after that it's debatable whether he won any more.
  22. Erratic

    Erratic "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 14, 2003
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    People were saying Oscar quit long before Floyd started calling Oscar a quitter.

    There were threads talking about "Oscar quit to preserve his good looks" and stuff like that.

    Manny Steward didn't help matters much with his "I guess we'll just to have to give Oscar the benefit of the doubt" comments.
    Last edited: May 15, 2007
  23. CleanYourClock

    CleanYourClock "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Yeah but Sly never said shit until after his boy Floyd said that ... :lol:

    Anyway , B-hop said Oscar made a weird noise and he heard the air come out of his lungs when he landed that shot ....
    I guess if he quit B-hop was in on it as well ..
    I looked at it in slow motion and it looked like a solid punch to me ...
  24. Erratic

    Erratic "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 14, 2003
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    Why would Hopkins have to be in on it if Oscar quit?

    He would be if you go by the "Oscar threw the fight to sign Bernard" conspiracy theories, which I don't believe for one second. I tend to think a fighter would rather say he stopped a guy with a well-placed body shot rather than saying his opponent (who just gave him the opporunity to make $10 million) quit.

    But for Oscar to quit, there's no need for Hopkins to be in on it.

    The punch didn't look hard, that's why people question if Oscar quit, along with his reaction on the floor. Guys who take hard body shots very rarely roll on the floor like that, they usually just freeze.
    Last edited: May 15, 2007
  25. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    You're an idiot, I may have to target you for a few weeks until you've learnt the error of your ways.

    I'm a fan of Floyd's skill, but I don't copy everything he says.

    He's only been saying this the buildup to his fight with Oscar...I had said this the day after the Hopkins-Hoya fight.

    Also, whether or not it was a solid punch means nothing. Oscar took the opportunity to lay down. Shane Mosley hit him with hellacious body punches for 24 rounds...Vargas did also in their fight. Yep..Hopkins is a Middleweight, and likely hits harder than the aforementions....but if Oscar had a chance to win that fight...he wouldn't have stayed down and made such a "show" of it.
  26. Erratic

    Erratic "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Aug 14, 2003
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    I don't know...Hopkins was taking over and landing better shots on De La Hoya with greater consistency, but De La Hoya was still holding his own and was competitive. He had some disputed decisions in Vegas go his way (and against him) with some outrageous scorecards, you'd think Oscar would still have some hope. Besides the Trinidad fight when he got tired and ran, Oscar usually gutted it out and kept fighting, even when he was having trouble and losing.

    Other fighters have quit though after showing little or no signs of quitting before hand, so who knows really?
  27. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    Oscar was discouraged. You could see it in his expression and you could hear it in terms of the way he was "grunting' with his punches. Bernard was beginning to do whatever he wanted with Oscar: Outboxing him, out punching him, outmuscling him.

    Oscar wanted out.
  28. CleanYourClock

    CleanYourClock "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Well , I meant if he wasn't in on it , and Oscar did really quit , then why would Bernard make up a lie and say he heard Oscar make a weird noise and heard the air come out of him ?
    Unless Oscar perfectly timed it faked that as well ...
  29. CleanYourClock

    CleanYourClock "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I agree ...
    Oscar was having a harder time and absorbing MUCH MORE punishment against Sturum in which he gutted it out and won a decision.
    Why would he quit Vs Bernard in a fight that he wasn't that far behind on points and wasn't even getting physically hurt in ...
    Doesn't make sense ..
  30. Father of Muzse

    Father of Muzse Undisputed Champion

    Sep 30, 2006
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    Oscar knew what was ahead of him. Hopkins hit him with a few good shots in the 8th round and I thought Oscar was a bit hurt earlier in the round from an uppercut which landed on the chin.

    Guys tend to think that a guy is only hurt when he's on jelly legs or staggering, but that's not the case. Roughly a miniute before the KO shot, Oscar gets clipped pretty good. That pushed him towards laying down after the bodyshot.

    Wasn't it Ron King who said Oscar crapped his pants after the bodyshot? :lol:
    Last edited: May 15, 2007

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