:notallthere: i'm saying i have a list of fighters who were hurt by a punch and it didn't turn them into tentative cowards ________ AVANDIA SETTLEMENT INFORMATION
I guess Jones isn't one of them either unless we want to start picking rounds out of fights:dunno: Good point teenybopper.
What about Eric Harding? Let´s put it the other way around? Name a guy he didn´t drop or hurt, besides Johnson and Hopkins of course.
So out of 36 rounds against Roy Tarver won 26, if we count the TKO2 as 11-1, and even if we don´t he still won more rounds than Roy, did he get lucky in all of them.
Of course he took Harding out with a single lefthook armpunch. Harding was all over the place just like Roy, unfortunately they didn´t give Roy another three knockdowns. He knocked Lincoln Carter silly with one shot and some others early. If you are looking for coma KOs, how many fighters have these kind of KOs on their record? Especially against great to good opponents? Who has Manny laid out hard? Marquez, Morales, Larios, Barrera, Solis, ? Okay, Pacquiao can´t punch.
Reggie Johnson. Eric Harding in their first fight. Basically every decent fighter he's ever fought besides Jones, Harding II and Chris Johnson.
When somebody throws a punch at you closing your eyes is a natural reaction. Nobody could knock Roy out with a lucky shot. It takes skill to land on RJ. It was a perfectly thrown counter shot.
Just in case some fuckers here missed the fight... Johnson KOed Roy with a temple shot - just like Krasniqi did to Whitaker and Sven Ottke did to Mundine. Never in hell would these fighters lay someone that good on the floor someone for MINUTES!!! with any other punch than a temple shot!!! Saying Roy is chinny from that is just retarded - same goes with the Tarver punch and Roy even tried to get up from it, but that thing would have dropped anyone. Roy's chin might not be iron but he took shots that lead me to the assumption it's alright. Gunshy he seems though...
I'll tell you guys what happened for real the punch was lucky for one thing.. Tarver had his eyes closed and just WINGED it.. But... Roy was weakened... simple as that.. I think Roy's Chin is pretty good normally, he took Ruiz's shots.. Ruiz Dropped HOLY! But.. Roy went up to 200+lbs for the Ruiz fight.. he was on Roids.. IMO.. he then went back to LH.. dropping maybe 20 lbs! he was very weakened by this..
Roy is undefeated. Against Griffin : Griffin Faked. DISQUALIFIED.:shit: Against Tarver 2: Tarver got lucky. DISQUALIFIED.:shit: Agaisnt Johnson : Post concussion syndrome. DISQUALIFIED.:shit: Against Tarver 3 : Post-Post-concussion syndrome. DISQUALIFIED.:shit: Thanks Tyler, I saw the light.:bears:
dsimon writes: :bears: Exactly. Once the book was written it changed Roy fundamentally. Roy obviously can't deal with a chin check.
dsimon writes: Exactly. :bears: The harding fight is a good example. Tarver is a decent puncher but was not known as a devistating puncher and in fact isn't.... Hopkins knew that as well BTW. IMO when you get dropped by ywo guys who are not known to be devistating punchers it says something about your chin. IMO
Yeah. RJJ relied heavily on beating his opponents mentally - intimidating and taming them with his speed. And for a long stretch of guys he was successful. Guys like Gonzalez and Woods, while they were aggressive early on, had given up by the 4th or 5th round, having by then bought into the myth that RJJ was invincible and that they had no chance. It was an amazing thing - after a few rounds it was as if RJJ's opponents were following a script.
He beat them mentally by being too good for them. Simple as that. Roy was schooling these guys silly at LH prior to the first Tarver fight. He was hardly losing rounds.
"He beat them mentally by being too good for them. Simple as that." Okay, but that's not to suggest that if a guy like Woods, or Gonzalez, hadn't given up the way they did, that they couldn't have had more success than they did later in the fight. Right? It's circular to say he beat them mentally by being too good for them. Point is, much of the defeat that occurred was due to the mental collapse of the opponent.
Tyler Nerden: "Those were all lucky rounds. It was forunate that they let Roy hit them in the face all those times by being slower and less skilled."
i'm not saying that. all i'm saying is, for long stretches of many of his fights, RJJ was in the ring with fighters that had completely lost their confidence and stopped fighting. and he deserves all the credit for having rendered them thus. but let's face it. not all fighters would've responded to RJJ's speed in such a defeatist way (see G. Johnson).
Glen Johnson didn't face a 25 or 28 year old version of Roy Jones either. When Glen was at that age, he couldn't handle Bernard Hopkins. When Hopkins was at that age, he couldn't handle Roy. When James Toney was that age, he couldn't handle Roy. The bottom line is, Jones haters waited 15 years to see him fall. Roy's run as an "E-Light" fighter is certainly a huge accomplishment. Guys who bitch about his competition support other guys for beating the SAME guys Roy did only Roy did it earlier in his career and the opponents career. It's not like Jones got to 35 years old by beating no hopers like the laundry list of guys Calzaghe's beaten. If you look at the top contenders from the mid 90's until 2003 you'll see that Jones fought and beat most if not all of them.
dsimon writes: Yeah and actually Roy probably slipped in the bathtub and hit his head unbe knownst to us and that exxacerated his injury thus making him vulnerable to Johnson's sudden punch (that came out of nowhere... not liek Johnson was hitting him) and grazed him.
dsimon writes: I agree with this post. But I have one caveat: Why can't Roy lovers not label everybody a Roy hater for pointing out the obvious? In his reign nobody got to Roy. His chin was not tested during that reign. I don't thik Double disputes that Roy dominated his opposition, but the fact is Roy got beat by Tarver who was not intimidated by Roy. Yeah maybe years back Tarver wouldn't have caught roy with that shot but he did and it showed Subsequently that Roy could not deal with it from that point on. The same people that say Mayweather has no power (true) will get an attitude when Roy's chin is called what it is... suspect.