I think even Holyfield knew that he lost. Did you think you won the fight Evander? "Well, the judges cards is what matter and don't nobody else opinion matter. The judges said neither man have done the job so it was a draw."
No , I was just pointing out that judges aren't always correct .. In this case only 1 of the judges seen the fight and what was really going on in the ring ...
With my own eyes (and often watching it in slow-mo). If you want to tell me these clean Oscar punches I missed and when they happened, be my guess.
I watched the fight several times ... As a matter of fact I just watched a few rounds just a couple of minutes ago ... If you some how missed or overlooked this , I suggest you see an eye doctor ... By no means am I saying Oscar landed anything special in this fight but , To me its so obvious what Floyd did not land ... Once this is discounted , its clear to see Oscar did more in this fight ...
DLH landed a shoe shine in the 12th that didn't connect but somehow Floyd's nose is bleeeding and Floyd did all the action and landed all the shots :laughing:
Everything I posted above by either guy landed. After nearly every fight, I edit the good parts so I can watch it again. I'm hardly ever feel like sitting through a full 50 minutes to watch it, but I'll edit it down to a few minutes of highlights. When it comes to fights with guys like Oscar, Mosley, Floyd, etc....they are so quick that's it's hard to see what lands. So I double checked in slow-mo to see exactly what landed and what didn't. What I posted above is basically every punch landed of note in that fight (not many punches). Taylor-Wright was another hard one where I used a lot of slo-mo. It was tough to see which punches went thru Winky's guard. Sometimes in slo-mo it was STILL hard to tell.
Actually both eyes were swollen immediately after the fight on ESPN when he was getting interviewed. Floyd looked worse than DLH yet DLH never landed on him ::
That is true. Floyd had swelling above both eyes after the fight. Oscar's face was a little red, but he had little to no swelling. I laughed when Floyd said "look at his face then look at mines and tell me who won." ::
That and Compubox are two of the worst arguments when defending someone in saying they won a fight, and Floyd used both of them. ::
CYC is the only person who claims Floyd threw more punches than Oscar, but tells me I should have my eyes checked. ::
it's not even sound in this case to discuss punch-stats because something was very wrong with compubox on May 5th. there's no way PBF landed 40% of his punches. absolutely none.
Something is always wrong the accuracy with Compubox. It's probably never a sound case. Trinidad landing 166 punches on De La Hoya? De La Hoya landing 263 on Trinidad? So Tito landed an average for 14 punches per round and De La Hoya 22 per round. :: De La Hoya landing 120 punches on Mayweather? Mayweather over 200 in return? Gatti landing 41 punches on Mayweather?
I've always thought Compubox should go back and recount punches. "However" if they did that, it would stick a fork in their fight night tallies.
Luckily there was 2 judges who watched the fight with there eyes open. If I remember correctly the guy who gave the 115-113 card for ODLH had him winning round 10 which is ridiculous. :notallthere:
I'd have to rewatch the round. I don't remember that 1 as well off the top of my head. I just remember round 10 going to ODLH being pretty insane. :notallthere: Regardless, Floyd won the fight clearly.
dsimon writes: Compubox should not exist. It is a distraction and a false indicator in a fight. If you REALLY want to know about landed punches in a fight why not a system like they use in fencing? An electric signal registers when a shot hits the other person. You could do this in boxing I am willing to bet. But then all those blind judges would have to get another job. ::
and fighters would have to wear robes and have antenae stickin out of their asses, no? if Lampley weren't quoting compubox throughout the fight as if it mattered one bit it wouldn't be such a big deal. as it is, Lampley clings to it because basically, he knows nothing about boxing.
dsimon writes: I am going to start a thread because frankly I don't have the know-how to understand exactly how the technology could work but I am willing to bet it is out there. And if it isn't what would be so horrible about an atenna up the anus for the sake of punch stat numbers? Some fighters like Marquez might enjoy the experience!
Obviously this statement is incorrect since we are having this discussion to begin with . Not to mention the fact that everyone I have personally come in contact with regardless of race , color , or creed has said Delahoya won the fight. Floyd's father agrees with that as well ...
Floyd's father has alterior motives. Like I said you are in the minority and you couldn't even agree with that. I saw NO polls that had ODLH winning. Floyd won decisively despite what a few people who can't score a fight think. Guess what? Everyone that I have talked to personally thinks Floyd won.