Hilarious. I was there when Travis Simms beat Terra Garcia. His fans/family were plenty loud and that's immediately who I thought of when I read the thread title.
Black people are haters of anyone sucessful even their own... Why does Mayweather have so much security? Because he's afriad of being attacked by white people in public? ________ Aerospace Grinder Review
Hanzy, are you a wimp? Why do all of you look like this? And also, do you have a really small penis? A friend of mine dated an indian once... said that shit was really small and that all indians where the same. Just not meant to love women I guess. :dunno: You're all very good at computers and stuff though!! :bears:
There is an unbeaten Indian heavyweight fighting right now, his name is Gurcharan Singh. I think that's one indian guy that could kick Floyd's ass.
Yeah, especially with non-blacks who are directing fire at 1.2 billion indians.:: Small dicks or not, we make a lotta babies!:clap: So we can still get it up!
There are tens of thousands of indians who'd rape little Floyd. Don't be ignorant.:: Go take a look at some of the wrestling and powerlifting teams over there, they've got behemoths who'd crush this little dude's head with one hand. Even better, MMA and Boxing is growing over there.
This coming from the guy who blew his lid when somebody joked about Polaks and went into a hissy fit throwing the "N" word at all our black members.::
Wanna know something? This guy passed all their wellness/steroid tests while every other musclebound big guy like Chris Masters and Bobby Lashley were caught taking the juice.:: This guy is ALL meats and fruits/vegetables. Steroids not required.:nono: That's why our athletes don't compare to Americans, because we don't pump needles into our bodies trying to be the best. We just rely on natural sources.:clap: On the other hand, your great Mark McGwire, Canseco, Bonds, Sosa have all disgraced themselves and their careers. Just say no to roids!
So hanzy, you're admitting you have a small dick... That's ok, you're showing class by admitting it. :clap: So how do you seduce and keep a woman happy? :dunno: It clearly ain't the looks or the sex since you've admitted you weren't made to love woman. Do you show here your photoshop work? :dunno: I'm serious here, I think it's admirable how you fellas roll. :bears:
Sorry V10, I've never heard of you or posted to you in all my time on this board. I actually never even knew you existed until yesterday.:: I find it surprising you know that I'm indian and all even though I've never posted to you. You must lurk a lot but have little to say a lot of the time judging by your post count. Either way, sorry....don't know you and don't care. Scroll on.
Why are you ducking my questions??? opcorn: Seriously, I wanna know. :: Isn't that why we're here? to chat and share points of view. :dunno: