this topic brought out a lot of classless remarks. gatti was a very exciting fighter and it sucks he died so young
I agree. To be honest I was never a Gatti fan at all, but he had admirable courage and balls. And you can't help but feel sad for him, having a long, tough career, taking some epic arsewhuppings, he retires, then not long after, some bitch fucking kills him from behind??
R I P Aturo Gatti. Hell, this sounds awful. A honeymoon? Really? And his wife as a suspect? Did he have money? Was this a domestic dispute? Drugs? Alcohol? I hate letting my imagination run wild. The other things I'd think about are seizure or stroke. The man has plenty of prior head trauma, you never really know. Some people end up with head injuries from a sudden collapse near furniture, etc. Whatever the case, I hope there will be a definitive answer.
I'm pretty sure Gatti made himself a few million in his last few fights especially in the Mayweather and Baldomir fights. He'd gotten to be pretty popular and built up a pretty good fanbase in Vegas at the tail end of his career. Not surprised that some scandalous bitch would do that. On the other hand, when a person is murdered their spouse/lover is pretty much always suspect #1.
The Brazilian police seem to think that his wife hit him over the head with something and then strangled him with the strap of her purse, which was found at the scene with blood on it.
I hope that's not true. I mean, first of all if you're going to kill your spouse, you've got to know you're going to be the prime suspect so that alone should probably convince you not to do it. If you still feel you must kill your spouse you've got to really plan that shit out, alibi's, clean the shit out of the scene, be mentally prep'd. It seems like this bitch just off'd him right out of the blue. What does she think, Brazilian police are morons are something?
of course it does thats how he is gonna go exciting fighter who got fucking killed by his can he not escape it? i just hope its not because she walked in and he was bangin another brazilian woman and looking like a cheating bastard but this hurts me man...ive spoken personally to gatti before...he was a nice phonecall i ever got in my life its making me re evaluate if i should marry a brasilian woman now
U CAN'T B Serious, Dude...This Shit has NO Impact WHATSOEVER on Arturo Gatti's Legacy...If Anything, the Fact that he Died Young will ENHANCE his Legacy... Arturo Gatti was a Famous FIGHTER...Who Gives a Fuck if he was a Monogamous Husband or Not????... REED:dunno:
This sucks. Two of my all time great fighters die in a matter of a few weeks.Gatti wasn't good, but it shows how awesome he was to watch to have ESPN news lead with his death. Most boxing doesn't even make the paper at all or a paragraph. He was not great, but Boxing would be the most popular sport if there were more Arturo Gattis. I am not surprised at all though. In way, once I saw the news on a tevo'd viewing of the Showtime fights I accepted it right away. I just think they way he lived sort of predisposed him to an early grave. He gave all of us great memories even though some douchebags in this thread are trying to deny it.He wasn't a great man either but he never said he was. He had a string of drug and violence problems so I am not shocked at all he went out like this.
Gatti's Wife To Be Charged With Premeditated Murder Police officials in Brazil are prepared to charge Amanda Rodrigues, the wife of Arturo Gatti, with premeditated murder. Early Saturday morning, Gatti was found dead by his wife in their room at the seaside resort of Porto de Galihnas in Brazil. Brazilian police officials became suspicious after there were numerous inconsistencies in her testimony. The couple was on a second honeymoon and planned to stay in the country for a month. According to Rodrigues, she woke up on the morning of July 11 and claimed to have found Gatti with damage to the back of his head and strangle marks on his neck. When police arrived on the scene, a bloody purse strap was discovered in the room. As reported on Saturday, officials believe that Gatti was strangled to death with the purse strap. Police officials held a press conference with Brazilian media and they believe the wife strangled Gatti to death when he passed out from being drunk. Based on the information pieced together by police, the couple went to dinner on Friday night. They later went to bar and left on foot. Witnesses told police that the couple had an argument on the street after leaving the bar and Gatti pushed his wife to the ground. It was said that she suffered minor injuries to her chin and left elbow. Gatti, with their one-year-old, caught a taxi back to their room. The wife returned later on. Gatti was drunk as the couple had been drinking beer and wine for most of the night. Police believe that Gatti was passed out from being drunk and his wife stabbed him to the back of the head with a kitchen knife, although the wound was not significant enough to kill him. He was then strangled to death with the purse strap while he was laying down. The wife is being held by police. She has not confessed to the crime and tried to blame a third party for the murder. Police say the possibility of a third party gaining access to the room is nearly impossible. “It is humanly impossible, because access to the room is done only with a magnetic card. The apartment is on the second floor, and only has one window, and it would be necessary to climb in order to come in," said one police official who is familiar with the investigation. Police expect to have expert reports ready in about two weeks. Gatti’s relatives have arrived in the country to claim his body.
Although I think it's very likely that the official account of events is right on, it really is an idiotic statement to say that "it is humanly impossible" for someone else to have killed Gatti simply because the only access to the room is through a $5 magnetic card! Are you telling me that a Brazilian local, perhaps a thief, couldn't figure out how to get into tourist's hotel rooms while they were away? Especially famous, rich American tourists? With the right equipment you could probably quite easily make a copy of the card in about 2 minutes, or get an active card (or even a master hotel card) from a friend who works at the resort. That doesn't even take into account all the possible physical ways you could jimmy open a door, especially with a drunk guy passed out in the room, oblivious to noise. Again, I think knowing human nature you have to assume wifey did it, especially given the fight they had earlier that night. But I don't think it's implausible at all for the wife to argue that she went out to get food, or more liquor, or whatever, and when she was out someone snuck in to rob the "rich" tourists thinking they were gone, only to find a barely conscious Gatti lying there. Thief panics, or Gatti starts yelling or whatever, and so the thief kills him and gets the hell out. Just watch, if that defense doesn't work, his wife will argue some sort of self defense saying Gatti was a chronic abuser.
Personally i never enjoyed his wars, only when he was beat down, harsh as it sounds, but the guy did a lot for the industry without ever achieving superstardom, he made the sport memorable, kept the otherwise disinterested sports writers interested, the sport needs guys like him, RIP Gatti
Completely agreed. Btw somehow it is not a warrior-like ending to get strangled with a women's purse strap
I'm blown away. A fun fighter in a sport we love was MURDERED. Shocked at the lack of class around here today.
Maybe you should make a new rule which would define how long we have to pretend being deeply sad :notallthere: Look, nobody here knew Gatti personally and it is very unlikely anybody close to him has ever read these forums. So whatever is said here means dick. Of course it is never nice when a guy is killed. Everybody knows that without posting crying emoticons
Exactly. I'm not thrilled that he was murdered, but I do find it funny that this "tough guy" was murdered by woman's handbag. The same people posting these crying emoticons and RIP's were the same people calling him a bum, journeymen, and punching bag. Why pretend to be sad if you never liked him in the first place?
How do you know that? You can justify making jokes about a recently murdered man all you want man, whatever.
Why comment if you're going to rip on a murdered guy? Just ignore the thread if you don't like him. This isn't a normal celebrity death... this is a boxer, and we're on a boxing website.
I see your point. I think I've said all I needed to say regarding this matter. Arturo Gatti was tough fighter, but he was bum. Nothing will ever change that, not even death by a purse strap.
That's true. I mean, when children have access to the internet you can't really be surprised at the shit they're going to write while on it. Fightbeat's been left to the lowest common denominator, so it's expected here...but you read the same comments accompanying the story on Yahoo and other sites. It is what it is.