It was like a freak shot. Now berchelt taking them okay, even to the head. Valdez may have lost his chance. Many refs would've stopped the fight.
REED Can't Recall the Last Time He's Seen a Fighter as BADLY HURT as Berchelt Was, Staggering and EATING as Many Shots After Being Hurt, Without Ever FALLING... Even the Knockdown was a TECHNICAL One, Berchelt Never Actually Touched the Canvas Despite the PERIL He Was In... Tough Ass Dude... REED
Yeah, We've Already Seen the BEST Valdez Has to Offer in This Fight... Gonna Be a STRUGGLE to the Finish Line for Him... REED
Wow. Totally over-estimated Berchelt. I guess he's been facing pretty shit comp when you think about it
No, This was About Oscar Valdez Being UNDER Estimated...REED's Guilty of It as Well... He Boxed BEAUTIFULLY Tonight and Beat the Brakes Off a Bigger, Stronger, Taller Man HEAVILY Favored to Beat Him... REED
Nah, I think it was a bit of both. I previously said that I didn't see anything special in Berchelt. I always felt he was being a bit too overhyped. I definitely expected him to win tonight though.
Nobody wants to give Valdez any credit. He SHOULD be a star now. Titles at two weights. From Mexico, speaks English. Has fought in wars. Fought with a broken jaw for several rounds.
I'm still processing this shit. I give Valdez credit for sure. But going in, I didn't expect this. So definitely there is a recalibration under way.
Chavez Sr. and the President of Mexico Will Need to Make Amends, But Valdez Will HAVE to Be More Respected After This... REED
I don't think Valdez can beat Stevenson, BUT I'll be hoping like Hell he proves me wrong again. I hate that lil piece of shit Shakur.