i don't think there's any prominent fighters period who are not on ROIDs. sorry. and apparently, PBF agrees with me.
Of course I've been reading the fucking thread, you fucking cunt, as evidenced by the fact that I responded to your fucking post and several others. Anyway, I agree Berto is a decent fighter, not a scrub. He's a below average world champ though. An average world champion beats the likes of Collazo convincingly. Some people are underrating him, acting like he's a total bum, but it seems you're overrating him. And you also think it's relevant to mention Berto beating Bradley in the amateurs, even though you acknowledge they were probably kids? ::
name me one place in this thread where i overrated him you brainless bitch...I expect you to quote where I overate him. If you can't then you're a dumb fucking cunt who runs his cocksucking mouth without reading first.
Saying Berto is a good fighter who I think would beat Bradely is overrating!?! get the fuck out of here with that bullshit you stupid fucking faggot.
He would "bust Bradley's ass" - yes that is overrating him. Berto is a little bigger, but Bradley is a more skilled, more well rounded, and more proven fighter. And you're a fucking idiot - the reasoning for that statement was: "Berto beated teh Bradleys when tehy was 11 year oldz!!". Retard ::
Actually he beat him twice...who the fuck has Bradley beat that makes him such a great fighter that Berto has no chance against him? I guarantee at the very least 60% of the boxing fans, scribes and industry insiders would pick Berto to beat Bradley. With that notion in mind my opinion that Berto would beat Bradley is valid and reasonable you fucking jerk. You're overrating Berto because you think he'll beat big headed Bradely - mexicanweddingbitch
personally i think berto would have a good chance to defeat bradley at welterweight, certainly not based on anything he did when they were pre teens with headgear. bradley doesnt have the punching power at welterweight to dent berto's chin. they both have good hand speed and berto is a a bigger guy.
Bradley has far more offensive skill and finesse, and is much less hittable than Berto. Berto doesn't have very good defense, and is preditable in his offense. He's not awful, but he's a pretty basic fighter with fast hands. Like I said, him Vs every other top 140 pounder is a pick em fight, but I would favour Bradley, he's just better. He wouldn't need to dent Berto's chin, just outbox him.
that's good because Bradley fits right in with DiBella's M.O. of fighting under-sized guys that are good at a lower weight, but have no business fighting in Berto's (Taylor's) division.
if i was bradleys management i wouldnt go near berto at this point. he should stay at 140 and take care of those guys before he considers jumping in weight for what wouldnt even be a huge payday.
"jerk", . You're the same chump that was hyping up Andy Lee as a "good" fighter, and started having hissy fits like you're doing now when I told you he was a bum, then you started crying when he lost :: Clearly you don't have an eye for talent.
and the funny thing is...Bradley is the draw. Did you see that 3,000 were at the fight on Saturday and most of those were freebies.
it was a tad under 10000 get your facts straight...and Bradley is a draw at agua caliente casino nowhere else
if you know differently...feel free to write Dan and correct him. From Dan Rafael's column....did he neglect to add "+ or - 7,000?" Berto dedicated the card to his devastated homeland, dubbing it "Fighting for Haiti," and promised to donate a percentage of the gate receipts to his Berto Dynasty Foundation, which has been helping with Haitian relief. Unfortunately, the card was a commercial bomb. The BankAtlantic Center, home to the NHL's Florida Panthers, is huge and barely 3,000 or so showed up, many because of free tickets. What a shame, because it was a good card for a good cause. http://sports.espn.go.com/sports/boxing/columns/story?columnist=rafael_dan&id=5077406
Why don't you grow up and stop sucking Berto's dick you fucking faggot. People are here trying to have an intelligent chat about the guy but because you got his semen still swimming in your ass you're throwing insults around and acting like a fucking pre-teen with the intelligence to boot. I know you're M.O is that of a pre-teen immature trool who isn't very boxing knowledgeable but you've been on this board for years. It's time you start acting like an adult already.
Now back to the conversation at hand: I think both Berto and Quintana looked like shit Sat night. Berto looked worse than normal but I think a lot of that was rust. Quintana looked horrible, like he hadn't trained much at all and I actually noticed it when they showed him warming up during the first fight. Berto wouldn't beat Shane IMO. I wouldn't pick Berto over Alexander or Bradley either. I think today's version of Cotto beats him as would Clottey, Pac, Shane, Floyd, and Paul as well. I think Cintron is a pick em and I've always wanted to see that matchup.